I have created a simple component called link-field under which i have a another node called link has a text field and pathfield. The .content.xml are :<jcr:root xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget" xtype="multifieldpanel"...
Hi,I have followed http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/administering/configuring_rich_text_editor.html and configured copy and cut features to "edit" plugin. Whenever I clicked on copy/cut tools after selecting some text, I'm getting the following error in browser console -TypeError: this.editorK...
In AEM 5.6.1 duplicate node names at the same level were given unique names automaticallynode1 => node1 html => html html => html[1]This is not true in AEM 6. If you programmitically create the same node structure, you will get a duplicate node exc...
We have noticed that sometimes in AWS, it takes a while for our author instances to be in-sync. If we run our functional tests before the author instances are completely in-sync, when the tests hit the dispatcher, they might be routed to a yet-unsynced instance and fail.Is there a way (ideally a RES...
Hi,is it possible to add css media queries with sightly and clientlibs functionality?The result should be: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://forums.adobe.com/etc/designs/website/clientlibsDesktop.min.css" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max...
I have an existing page component in 5.6.1 that overlays the dialog to provide a custom tab. Moving this over to 6 and using the new UI, the dialog that is rendered is the base page dialog and does not include my new tab and fields. Anybody know a possible solution to this?
Hi, I am trying to create a component and make it display in my group "Others" from sidekick. This is what I did. Create a component called myDragnDropFooter, But when I switch to design mode and try to add my component in "Allowd Components" section, it is not there. This is my jcr of myDragnDr...
Does anyone know how to exclude certain properties from being adjusted by the ReferenceSearch class when a parent page is moved. Is there a list of excluded properties that can be configured?
As far as I can see from the MSM docs there are two techniques that can be used to copy content:1- BlueprintsThese represent site roots and offer various customizable rollout configs/actions between source site and copy site.2- LivecopyIn the docs this is frequently and confusingly used as a synonym...
I'm trying to test the AEM6-Dynamic Tag Manager integration, but cannot figure out how to connect the two. In the Cloud Services Configuration for DTM, it asks for an API token. Where can I find that? I tried pulling the 20ish character identifier off the embed code provided in DTM, but that doesn't...