Now there is a need to get current page or current page sub page or all pages in CQ5, also need 1)to post the page content to remote server for translate; 2) and if necessary to post the page's properties like title and description to remote server for tranlate. As a result, these page file translat...
I understand how to create an OSGI bundle using the Maven- mvn -Padobe-public archetype:generate -DarchetypeRepository= -DarchetypeArtifactId=multimodule-content-package-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.2.I unde...
Hi,I am trying to migrate data from sharepoint to adobe cq5 using sharepoint connector. Is it possible to edit the content which are migrated from sharepoint to adobe cq5?Is it possible to incoorporate the editing features of adobe cq5 to the data migrated from share point?Thanks in advance ,RG
Hi,I'm trying to add custom styles to the new AEM 6.0 (SP1) rich text editor (fullscreen). I have two questions about this: 1. I was able to get the select box to show my new css classes (and using the chrome inspector I can see that the class is applied to the span: <span class="caps">). However, I...
Hi All, I have cleared the Adobe AEM 5.6 component developer exam and now i want to go with Advance developer exam so can you please guide me the study material and the topics for my preparation ?
Good afternoon.Im trying to write a little javascript, that detects mobile agents.If the agent is a mobile device, redirect.<script>window.onload = function() { if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // If Mobile: Redirect wi...
Hi,I managed to integrate LDAP with CQ 5.6 with autocreate="create". However, I believe the documentation also states that IF we only want to authenticate users, we really do not need the Auto-Creation parameters.My "autocreate='create'" config looks {
Hi,I need to create register/login functionality in CQ5. There are three ways1 - The register/login functionality should be prepared as web service hosted on a Java Application Server and then we can consume data from web services.2 - The functionality should be prepared as web service based on RE...