Hi I have a requirement where App A consumes restful services exposed by CQ. Some of these are from author and some are from publisher. In case of author we need to provide authentication for consuming restful services exposed by CQ. This authentication should be done against client DS server before...
I am trying to add a hidden property (key-value pair) to a page using a 'hidden' xtype in the page properties. But the property always returns a null/blankThe widget code is as below.<keyvaluecheck jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget" defaultValue="myValue" hidden="{Boolean}true" name="./myKey" value="myValu...
Hi guys, I am developing in CQ 5.6 and need to parse a file that was uploaded by a content author via the smartfile widget in the page properties. Content of the csv file needs to be parsed and sent as JSON feed to a component. So I've create an EventHandler that is triggered with:@Property(name = "...
I'm trying to start AEM on Windows 7 machine by double clicking on jar cq-author-4502. When I'm trying to open through browser http://host:port then getting below message -Resource dumped by HtmlRendererServletResource path: /libs/cq/core/content/projectsResource metadata: {sling.resolutionPathInfo=...
We have customized the OOTB blog, but retained the code in the various JSPs(for the time being) associated with the blog component. I have programatically created blog articles/posts under the blog - these have the same node structure and properties as that of the articles/posts created through the ...
Hi,When i am trying to update the title of asset [from image1 to image2] in DAM then the title first time its not updated and second time it will shown as a string [] like image1, image2.when i investigated this further i found that <dc:title> property of metadata node is first time string and if we...
QueryBuilder does not return relevant results. I am expecting all assets whose title has search keyword to come up first. I have tried type=dam:Assetgroup.p.or=truegroup.1_fulltext=xxxxxxgroup.1_fulltext.relPath=jcr:content/*/@dc:title but this returns assets which has keyword in their title but not...
Hi all,I am working in CQ5 BLog component.By defaultCQ store all comments frrom a blog to under USERGENERATED folder .But i have a requirement to store all comments under each blog post.can anybody plz let me know how to achiev this. Which service or servlet i need to overrride.plz helpThanks,Amit
Hi all,Having those cq5 trials and tribulations over the last couple of days and would appreciated some help in regards to a problem I have. I must say I'm pretty new to CQ5 but have read through the documentation. I am using version 5.2. Requirement:Content editors can edit a field of text from the...