I am looking for any better way of integrating AEM 6.1 Forms from Pre login to Backbase (another Portal framework) - Postlogin. Could any one please help me regarding this.
Hi,We have a content bundle in our project and quite a few of our project's JSP files are using /lib/foundation/global.jsp. However it is not resovled by the IDE, and hence "<%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%>" is marked as error as well as all references to properties, currentStyle, etc...
I'd like to know if there is a way that inactive (A month without logging in) users can be deactivated or deleted. A way to automatically deactivate accounts would be helpfull, Is it possible to do something in LDAP Authentication?
I have created the campaigns, segments and teaser referring the following links but i am getting this message "No active campaigns target this teaser"http://aem-cq-tutorials.blogspot.com/2014/08/create-personalization-components-in.html http://aem-cq-tutorials.blogspot.com/2014/08/customize-client-c...
The concept of the clientlib allows all the JavaScript and CSS resources and gives a great deal of freedom to structure and consolidate client resources, offering a modular platform by which the application can easily import the resources it needs. But I have challenge to load the page. Can you plea...
I need to take content from inner nodes in CQ.Any idea how i can acheive that.Ex : /content/geometrixx/en/jcr:content/par/text --> If i click this link, it has to fetch text component values from the page.Any suggestion to proceed?
Not sure if it's a installation issue or a missing step with Client Context, JSONP Store and Generic Store Component in Segments.After dragging a new JSONP store into Client Context,Setting up a JSONP url and doing a Fetch it downloads all the properties into the store.When loading up a new segment ...
Hello, I have CQ ,version 5.6.1. When I followed the instructions mentioned in the webpage, http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/wcm/campaigns.html and step 3) under CREATING A TEST&TARGET OFFER EXPERIENCE, I don't see a experience type :"TestandTarget offer" . Is the screen shot that shown with t...
Hi All, We can include existing components in new component by adding, <cq:include path="" resourceType="" />Is it possible to achieve the same using javascript?Like,<script type="text/javascript"> var temp = "<cq:include path="sometext" resourceType="existing/component/path" />" ...
Hi Masters! I have to configure the 'Max Parallel' workflow threads in my CQ installation, so I have to configure the org.apache.sling.event.jobs.QueueConfiguration osgi bundle. But I don't know the difference between these event topics:com/adobe/granite/workflow/job*com/adobe/granite/workflow/exter...