Hi,maybe I'm missing something, but why in the default page component (I checked both 5.0 and 5.5) in the head.jspwe find : <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="<%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(WCMUtils.getKeywords(currentPage, false)) %>"<%=xs%>> <meta http-equiv="description" content="<%= StringEs...
Hi Back ground : I am trying to create Book rental web site. When i am uploading a Image in Asset section i am able to see some default properties like (Title, description, creator, contributor etc....) but i want to add my own properties like Descripton of Author, # of chapters, Cost of the book et...
I've searched, found a few things but nothing works, please see the attached image of the error when attempting to install.Note, this worked perfectly on my local machine but it's win 7 64 bit.
Could it be possible to Define a Quick Action like "Show With AdobeDrive" (to access the original file) instead of "Download" (a yet a new local copy...)?I want to use AEM DAM to rationalize the use and share of graphics data.The Web tool to browse, search and find is very convivial and user friendl...
Hello,I have found abundance ofcom.day.cq.analytics.sitecatalyst.ImpressionsImporter Reading analytics data failed for /content/project/division/type/jcr:content/analytics/polling javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: cq:wsCompanyerror messages in error.log. Does anybody know where the problem is?Thanks ...
Hi, I am trying to get the Group Name from the Logged in user.i used some thing like this for getting logged in user CQ.User.getCurrentUser()Link to CQ widgets API: https://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/widgets-api/ But I dont see any method to fetch Group of that User.If any one have solution rega...
Hi guys, I have an issue with rich text editor. Lets say I have rich text editor and I want to set initial value for it using crx de. I set the value of property text to <a href='someAddress'>...</a> using single quotation mark for attribute value. Then I see the result and the link pointing to the ...
Hi,we are using jQuery UI with custom extensions in our sites to create, for example, dialogs using jQuery UI dialog. In the author environment, we are facing issues because CQ also adds imports of jQuery UI (JS and CSS). In the page source there is a JS script block where GraniteClientLibraryManage...
Hi,I have a requirement to remove values from cq:tags property of the asset. The value to be removed will be entered through text field present in a dialog panel.I am trying to achieve this using SlingPostServlet and specifying the suffix for the property as 'Patch' like below./jcr:content/metadata/...
I am trying to start publish instance on my system. I have renamed the jar file as cq5-publish-4503.jar and now when I am trying to start by clicking on this jar file, quickstart is getting started on port 8080. I don't know what is the reason behind it. I had also checked that port 4503 is free. Ca...