I'm pretty new to AEM.We have an existing web app which currently extracts content 'fragments' from Sitefinity using REST calls. Fragments might be snippets of HTML, raw text, images, and so on.AEM has become our strategic CMS platform and we want to provide the same capability but use AEM to serve ...
Hi , When uploading the site in site importer,am getting this exception "String Index Out of Bound Exception ".Please provide me a solution. Thanks in advance
Hi, If I have a user1 & user2. I want user 1 to see few parts (say <div id=1>) on the page & user2 to see few parts on the page (<div id=2>).Any idea how to do this?Thanks,Sudhin
Hi, When I create a page using Page Manager ,page will be created with properties "cq:template" and "sling:resourceType" .Resource type will be obtained anyway with the template we are gng to pass as a parameter while creating the page. Can I create a page without "sling:resourceType" property .S...
Hello,A missing version error is being repeatedly logged in error.log. The model itself is not present under in /etc/workflow/models13.11.2013 12:05:11.486 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1384324511478] GET /libs/cq/workflow/content/inbox/list.json HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.jcr.WorkItemAda...
Hi,Can someone describe how to run mods works?I have 3 configs with different values: - config.author - config.production - config.usa CQ runs with CQ_RUNMODE=author,production,usaWhich one will be in the configuration?Thanks you.
we have DAM assets loading(attached screenshot) on the author and does not show the image.....it was a old issue in cq 5.3 and i had to restart this bundle to fix it.... "Day Communique 5 Workflow Consolecom.day.cq.workflow.cq-workflow-console"We are experiencing same issue on CQ 5.5, anyone know ...
Can anyone tell me why http://localhost:4502/ works perfectly fine but fails to authenticate? This is causing authentication issues with a json response in an http request to a specific IP in test. At first I thought there was a header issue, but quickly found out I can't eve...
Hi everyone, Wanted to get your thoughts on websphere commerce server and adobe CQ integration. Is there any issues with this integration (advantages and disadvantages) ? Anything I should know before starting the project based on this integration ? Any best practices/guidelines that we should be fo...