Before I start, here are some possibly helpful environment specs.AEM 6.0 SP2Java 1.7.0_71 64bitMac OS 10.9Chrome 43I have been doing a lot of QA as of late and noticed a strange issue with the Sidekick. I haven't been able to track the issue down and hope someone here knows the root cause.As I am ad...
Hello,I have a couple questions about how the Dispatcher performs load balancing and penalizes unavailable renders.Hopefully someone here will have useful insight. The documentation for the dispatcher "statistics" and "unavailablePenalty" are a little ambiguous as to how the load balancing is actual...
Hi Guys,Is there any reference link where I can find an example of a list of taks of a tipical DAM implementation? I'd like to have a reference to have a basis on what type of taks would be involved in a DAM only implementation.Thanks
Hello,Does the community has any information on when Adobe is publishing AEM 6.1 {Lead} {Component} Developer Certification exams for us to take? Thank you,Varun
Hi,I would appreciate any information regarding the proper way to build a catalog and product pages in AEM.According to my understanding I need to:1. Create a tags structure that represents my products hierarchy2. Import my products (each one is associated to one or more tags)3. Create a structure o...
Hi,I have AEM 6.0 and configured an LDAP connection. By using "External Identity Synchronization Management (UserManagement)" (system/console/jmx) in the OSGI and use syncAllExternalUsers() I received the following exception:java.lang.NullPointerException at
I'm experiencing the following problem: I have a blueprint for mySite and a liveCopy myLiveCopySite. I try to do a rollout of a page in mySite that contains a node myList. That node exists at the corresponding path in myLiveCopySite. From what I understand, in that case the live action contentCopy s...
Hello,I got asked by a customer, why it's not possible to have the content finder (cf#) active while browsing the siteadmin (Classic UI)? Without the content finder the author cannot change images through the page properties (when the page dialog is opened in siteadmin). Manually adding "cf#" to the...
Hi Community , I'm using OOTB provided forms and leveraging show/hide rules to define dependencies for form fields . Everything works fine in author , but in publish environments , the rules don't work and I can see following error in browser console , " Uncaught ReferenceError: CQ is not define...
Hi, I'm new to AEM and trying to figure out best practices around creating content separate from pages. I have some content that I need created that needs to be reused across multiple pages and multiple sites. I want to create a central repository for this content where authors can enter the cont...