In a Sightly component can you set the i18n folder/basename to pull the translations from?In a normal JSP component we could do this <cq:setContentBundle basename="pearson-dot-com"/>, is there something similar for Sightly?
Hi guys,I am facing a strange issue here, Our production setup consists of One Author Instance and One dispatcher and two publishers 1 and 2.Each AEM instance running on AWS x3 large servers individually. But still with those high performance machines also AEM instances are taking 4 hours to res...
I have setup MongoDB with AEM. I am able to start MongoDB successfully and can access at web console. After that I have started AEM, but immediately after starting I get below error. MongoDB Logs:2015-04-28T09:58:14.933+0530 I NETWORK [websvr] Socket recv() errno:10060 A connection attempt failed b...
Hello All,I have few workflows in my project but I am unable to see them in the workflow console(i.e at localhost:4502/libs/cq/workflow/content/console.html).Can you please help me with this.Thanks
I have a local instance of AEM 6 running. I wanted to output an Adaptive Form into a PDF and came across this link that suggests that I need to download the Add on package and then I'll have the option to select "Store PDF sub...
In AEM document page "download PDF" link broken.For example: this pdf from page PDF cannot be downloaded. it throw 500 error.
I have been experimenting with the Touch UI dialogs in my "spare time" over the past week after last week's session. At some point it clicked in my head that these Granite UI components are in our instance and I wondered if I could use them in our implementation (which has not been launched yet, and...