Hi All,path=/content/www/xx/xxtype=nt:unstructured1_property=abcd1_property.operation=exists2_property=efgh2_property.operation=exists3_property=ijkl3_property.operation=existsp.limit=-1We want to retrieve pages, only when a specific component included in a page [there are multiple components having...
I am experimenting with being able to autopopulate form fields on a form. I am trying this on the "Application for Assistance Form" in the Geometrixx-Gov site. I added a new dropdown box named "Color" with items 0=red 1=blue and I created a Text Box under the drop down list. What I want to accomplis...
Is it possible to override a sightly template? For example, if under /apps/myApp/components/carousel I have "slideTemplate.html" and then i have another component under /apps/myApp/components/another-carousel whose resourceSuperType is the original carousel, I would like to be able to specify a fil...
Hi, I want to authenticate Salesforce user credential from CQ using API.Can you please give me any example or steps to do it? I searched api and found com.adobe.cq.mcm.salesforceSalesforceSecretServlet. It says: The SalesforceSecretServlet connects to the specified Salesforce instance and validate...
On docs.adobe.com there is a forms based workflow sample (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/extending/workflows/wf-models.html).What would have one to do if the workflow gets kicked on the Publish instance, will then continue on the Author environment and update the page finally on the ...
I am using AccountManager API to create users. It works just fine when I dont use profile image in registration form and user gets registered but when I use profile image, I get following error:Caused by: javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: No matching property definition: jcr:primaryTy...
Hi, I am trying to integrate eCommerce with Hybris. I have followed all steps from http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/ecommerce/eCommerce-hybris.html this document. While importing product data from Hybris I got below error.0 products created with 0 variations.Cannot serve request to /libs/comme...
I have added the below in dispacther.any /0112 { /type "allow" /glob "* /etc/designs/default/img/*" } # mapping for images /0044 { /type "allow" /glob "* *.svg *" } # svg imageproblem:- but don't see the dispatcher cache the below images /etc/designs/default/img/logo-app-mobile.svg/etc/designs/...