I'm looking at putting some event handling on a dialog and going through the instructions here: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-touchui-events.html1) The instructions result in an event that fires on ALL dialogs. Is there an example for setting up an event on a specific dia...
Hi All,(Similar issue to mine: http://coderissues.com/questions/31437688/how-to-traverse-a-map-having-keys-of-object-type-using-sightly )I am having tough time iterating a custom map in sightly, previously I have iterated through normal map<String, String> many type in sightly and it worked perfectl...
Can we do resource resolver mapping for DAM URLs like for content path we can?Lets say we have a DAM URL like (/content/dam/test/en_us/footer.png), in publisher we can refer that image like http://localhost:4503/content/dam/test/en_us/footer.pngand we have dispatcher configured for the above publish...
Hi,I am trying to use Jsoup library by creating an OSGi bundle out of it. I have created the bundles before so I am pretty much familiar with the process. I have also added the dependencies in the pom.xml like this: <dependency> <groupId>org.jsoup</groupId> <artifactId>jsoup</artifactId> <version>1....
I checked that cq:designPath is same in author and publish but when I am using ${currentStyle.path} to get the design path in author and publish then there is a slight difference i.e.author:/etc/designs/default/jcr:content/default-page/par-main/column-control/par-col-1/breadcrumbpublish:/etc/designs...
Hello All,Is there any document/references available on how to use Testing Framework provided as part of AEM 6.0???Do we need write any java code to test the component behaviours??Thanks,Kishore
I have a CQ5 server running on the server. I've made several configurations to it by going to CRXDE. These configurations aren't related to a specific package but are instead scattered all over. Now I would like to have a CQ5 server running on my local machine with all of those configurations that I...
Hello All,I have imported project and made now i want to export but i am getting synchronization error.I have provided valid server instance URL,user and password too.Thanks,Kishore
We are facing an issue with dispatcher caching of image renditions, so wanted to poll the community on this -Suppose image in question is A.jpg at path /content/dam/myapp/A.jpg.If the image rendition is accessed first, dispatcher caches the rendition at - /content/dam/myapp/A.jpg/jcr:content/renditi...