Hi Media Wiki has been deprecated after CQ5.4 version. How can i integrate it with AEM to work on media wiki in AEM 5.6 and above. Its an urgent requirement . Any documentation available? Need urgent help Thanks in advanceVeena
I'm going through the process of virtualizing all of the servers in my production AEM environment. I thought if I disabled the replication agent on author I would be able isolate one of two available publishing instances in the cluster, perform the P2V process the re-enable the replication agent wh...
we have overlay the default scaffolding component and created the articles using the templateAs per our requirement , we need to perform server side and client side validation to check the block listed HTML tags used in the article RTE component.In scaffolding, the form has been constructed through ...
Hello,I want to save a xtype ‘datefield’ in CQ5 as Date type, like a jcr:created property for example. In dialog node i have defined a ‘cq:widget’ with the property xtype=‘datefiled’. But the issue is that the result is saved like a String type insted of Date type.How can i save the item as Date?Th...
Hi I was trying to create a composite field by adding compositefield as xtype for multifield's fieldconfig . It stores value in CRX as below [img]compostefiedl.jpg[/img] The value is not retrieved back to the dialog. Can anyone have any idea how to retrieve back the values. ThanksVeena
Hi all, I am new to this form and this is my very first post.Basically I am .NET developer. I am supposed to develop an interface, to provide connectivity between XMPie Ustore to Adobe CQI am supposed to develop an user control like (.ascx) to provide interface from Ustore to Adobe CQ for file man...
I have enabled all possible RTE toolbar in apps location however, i want to provide capability to platform administrator to control availability of certain toolbar to specific user but not all user. To achieve this i need to know how can i enable or disable toolbar in run time.any thoughts? Thanks ...