Going to this: /bin/wcmcommand?cmd=copyPage on our authoring instance results in a 500 message. However, it is using the default 500 page, rather than the custom pages I have at /apps/sling/servlet/errorhandler. I can confirm they work because going to /bin/wcmcommand goes to those pages - note th...
Hi,I'm trying to bulk edit sling:vanityPath property but with no luck.Here is what I did:Navigate to : http://localhost:4502/etc/importers/bulkeditor.htmlRootpath : /content/sitename/en_us/foldernameQuery Parameters : type:PageContent mode: checkProperty columns: Uncheck allCustom properties /column...
Hi All,I am facing an issue in configuring the database connectivity with MySql in CQ5.4. I used this http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/datasourcepool.html tutorial for reference.CQ5.4 is not returning connection object. Its throwing following exception.java.sql.SQLException: No suitab...
Hi , I want to know that how to move the site content from author instance to public instance? Whether public instance is required in deployment machine .If it is yes please tell me the procedure..and why it required? Thanks in advance
Hi All,I'm trying to access Knowledge base article here but it seems many links are incorrect. 404 error. Can you please let me know where I can find the correct article?
Hi everyone,I'm trying to front load my user nodes creation by syncing with my ldap active directory. I'm aware of the syncAllUsers function available from the JMX console, but it appears to only sync users that have already logged in before.I have also explored the possibility of running a cron jo...
I have created a package with the below filter. And i installed in another CQ instance."/content/valley/en/jcr:content/header"After installed the package, The above mentioned path(node) is not getting created. So i did some ground work and come to know that CQ is not allowing me to add any single no...