Hi,Please refer to the following URL for building Mobile Apps using AEM 6.1 PhoneGap.http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/develop/mobile-apps/apps/mobile-phonegap.html1. The first line in this page says: "Build your application to install to a device or simulator for testing or for publishing to ap...
Is it possible to drag images from the asset finder to a dialog in Touch UI? It looks like not - I'm checking out this page in the Geometrixx sample /content/geometrixx-media/en/entertainment/summer-blockbuster-hits-and-misses.htmlAnd if not, is there a recommended pattern for handling this in the n...
Hi All, I create content in the launch copy of the page and place a hyperlink to another page from the same launch. when launch is promoted, the link still points to the launch version of the page. Is there a solution to this issue? Regards,Nikolai
Hi I am working on touch ui, and converting the dialogs (page properties, dialog etc) into cq:dialog, normal cq widgets are getting converted automatically using the convertor tool.We have many custom widgets which we are calling in the dialogs for configuring various page specific properties, these...
Hello All,Good evening..Plan to work on Renditions,am very new to renditions concept so could we apply Processing profiles or Image Preset rules on "Dam Update Asset"?Plan to use "Dam Update Asset" OOTB workflow for web enabled renditions.Can any one please suggest how "DAM update Asset" OOTB workfl...
Hello,I have a problem with some project dependencies like apache commons collections4 or com.day.cq.search.impl.builder. Imported Packagescom.day.cq.search from com.day.cq.cq-search (305)com.day.cq.search.impl.builder -- Cannot be resolvedcom.day.cq.search.result from com.day.cq.cq-search (305...
Hi,I am trying to implement dispatcher flush. Hear is my cache properties. In my cache folders are getting created. But I am unable to found any .stat file in any folder. Any reason why this happening? /cache { # The docroot must be equal to the document root of the webserver. The # d...
Hi All,I am working on the migration of the cq components to touch ui compatible and converting all the dialogs into touch ui cq:dialog. Few of the components are inherited from the other components, now if I am converting the dialog to cq:dialog for touch ui support, it is also showing the parent d...
Hi all, I create new page in a launch, so there is no production copy. When I promote launch I add pages to a workflow package. My new page is promoted but not added to a package. Does anyone know solution to this?Regards,Nikolai
If the fileupload widget is used more than once inside AEM 6.0 Touch UI dialog, only the first instance works although each fileupload occurence has unique node for file parameters. Why? Using fileupload inside a multifield is not a solution as each fileupload should have a different label inside a ...