This post is to ask Adobe to clarify documentation regarding triggers with respects to flush agents. There seems to be some slight differences when originating the flush configuration from an author versus from a publish instance talking to the web server.I invite the community to respond with thei...
Hi,What is some of the ways I can debug the *.js files that are used by custom xtypes?Can one add something in those files to popup a quick message to the screen? Or alternatively can I add something there and get a message printed in the log files somehow?Thank you!
Hello Everyone,We are in the process of upgrading our system from AEM 6.1 to AEM 6.3. While running the in place upgrade process on the publish instance, the reindexing step goes into an infinite loop.We are referring to the following document.Upgrading to AEM 6.3Following steps were performed on th...
Hi All We created one Maven project with archetype 12 and none of our services were getting registered. Do you think there is any issue with archetype 12 ? ThanksVeena
I create a new page property tab with additional tag property names, such as primary_category, secondary_category using cq/gui/components/coral/common/form/tagfield. Just wonder for this method from TagManager. find(String basePath, String[] tagIDs, boolean oneMatchIsEnough), will it know the primar...
Q1: I'm trying to install a "redirect" page component package from AEM 5.6.1 to AEM 6.3 through package manager. Getting an error"javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: OakConstraint0021: /apps/******/components/page/redirect/dialog/items/tabs/items/leftNav/items/leftNavURL/items/link/...
We have been struggling with getting our Maven build process to work with AEM after installing 6.2 SP1, which requires the installation of two packages:cq-6.2.0-hotfix-12785-7.0AEM-6.2-Service-Pack-1-6.2.SP1When we install the hotfix and service pack in sequence (without restarting AEM) the Touch UI...
Hi Frndzs,I am not able to see any workflow component group on sidekick when I try to create a workflow process step..any pointers here...its my local instance..
<sly data-sly-test.var1="${testCondition}" data-sly-test.var2="${testCondition}" data-sly-test.var3="${testCondition}"/><div class="test1" value=${var1}></div><div class="test2" value= ${var2}></div><div class="test3" value=${var3}></div>any help on using single sly tag to use with ...