Hello.I ran with an issue when I executed the mvn clean install -P full, the plugin in charge to deploy the content to the JCR is throwing the following error:[INFO] --- content-package-maven-plugin:0.5.1:package (create-package) @ company-ui ---[WARNING] The POM for com.day.jcr.vault:content-packag...
I have a problem similar to this one: Sightly in <script> tag not evaluating? In that thread, the problem was that Sightly expressions inside a script element were not being rendered, and the solution was to add @ context = 'scriptString' to the expression.My situation is a slightly different:...
Hi All,I was trying to understand on contexthub. Created a new page under geometrixx-outdoors, activated to publish instance, then trying to verify on publish instance. Following are few observationsin /apps/geometrixx-outdoors/components/page/head.jsp there is a line <cq:include path="config" resou...
Hi All,It is a bit difficult to map the the relationships between different JS frameworks used in AEM. So it would be great if someone can help me in understanding the exact relation between them (i.e. touch ui, coral ui, granite ui, classic ui and extjs) in relation to CQ/AEM.Kindly provide Resourc...
Hi,While trying to import a site with AEM 6.1 sp2 with Java 8 and configured with nosamplecontent I get errors because Geometrixx is not installed! Please suggest or advise....POST /libs/wcm/bin/siteimporter HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.siteimporter.ImporterContext Created folder structure in appsPOST ...
Hi,I have a requirement where I need to use checkbox inside a multifield and an image field inside a multifield in the page properties dialog as well as a component dialog.The categories cq.authoring.dialog does not load for page properties dialog. I tried copying the js files to a new clientlibs wi...
Hi everyone,I wrote a SlingServlet at @SlingServlet(resourceTypes = "/apps/global-components/left-nav", selectors = "breadcrumb", extensions = "data")It is just returning a JSON object that is a list of page paths.What is the best way to access this SlingServlet from Serverside JavaScript? or from ...
I'd like to pay for the All Access Learning Pass | Adobe Digital Learning Services with WIOA Grant Voucher. Can you help me?On the payment page, Additional Information, can the WIOA voucher # be entered into the Company Code or how does this work?Thanks,404-454-9500
Hi,I am currently having a problem where the basicTheme.css, that comes with the Forms package, is overwriting other parts of my site. Is it possible to make the Form styles only effect elements within that form?Or am I going to have to use !important in my own styles?Thanks,Karl