Hello there, I'm currently working on an AEM Approval Workflow, and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I'm struggling to properly set up the initiator, and I could use some assistance. Here's a breakdown of my workflow: The Manager Approval task is a custom implementation of ParticipantChooser, where I...
Hi guys, I am using ACS Commons Redirect Manager for redirections in AEM.It is working fine for non-gated pages. But for gated pages the redirection is not happening via ACS Commons Redirect Manager. The issue is due to login-cookie being set as part of the login via POST request to j_security_check...
need to write slightly AEM code for grid component, it has two options one is default and other one is separator, when we select separator as option a vertical line should be added in between the grids when we select default:when we select separator:Can someone please help me ?
Hi Team, I have URL which is working fine in author and URL contains the query parameter called sid below is URLhttps://dauthor-xyz.com/content/testing/us/en/test-tour.html?wcmmode=disabled&sid=4e9daa08-46c1 but same URL not working on publisher because we have dispatcher configured for publisher ca...
Hi,I have 100 projects sent to RWS connector to a translation agency. They have been translated and sent back.The translation projects are in "complete" status but we realized the pages do not show the translations.The agency have the files available to try to import them again, but I cannot do it.I...
Hi all, What is the difference between these two?I see that Sling Event Listener is more performant. This apart, why we have these two?Only one of these two would have sufficed?When to use what? Appreciate all your responses. Thanks,RK.
Hi, I have been trying to use OOTB workflow process 'Dynamic Media Batch Upload', but not sure what does this workflow process step do?Is there any docs available for all OOTB workflow process step? If yes please do help here.Thank you.
We're using AEMaaCS and when we update a metadata for an asset. Its jcr:lastmodifed date is not being updated? Is this an expected behavior? Thanks,Prajwal