Hello Community Team,My current application is running on AEM 6.5 managed by Adobe (Adobe Managed Services). We are plannint to migrate the current application to AEM as a cloud service. As part of this exercise, we ran the BPA tool against the current application and encountered around 400 Critical...
Like below image, I face the error" Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.12.0:install-node-and-npm (install node and npm) on project practice.ui.frontend: Could not download npm: Could not download https://registry.npmjs.org/npm/-/npm-10.7.0.tgz: PKIX path building fail...
Hi folks, I have a (simplified) query for searching Content Fragments where sometimes I want to exclude certain tags: query getHelpFaqSearch( $value1: String!, $operator1: StringOperator = CONTAINS) { helpFaqList ( filter: { _tags: { _logOp: AND ...
This is my first time to take AEM DEVELOPER PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION exam. I joined the exam call via Zoom meeting where the proctor from Examity team frequently mentioned that I have poor connection even though changed different networks. So I asked her is there a chance that I can reschedule my ...
Hi Team, We are working on AEM remote spa project where AEM is used only to send Content to external React app.Now we need to create a tool/page/dashboard in AEM scope which will be showing list of pages/components and some other information. But Problem in SPA framework is AEM does not allow to wri...
Hi Team, we are in AEMasCS, we are facing an issue below. We have 5 different domain url example show below as below. www.site-A.comwww.site-B.comwww.site-C.comwww.site-D.comwww.site-E.com below content path/content/site-A/en/home.html/content/site-B/en/home.html/content/site-C/en/home.html/c...
Hi All,Can you please let me know how asset-manifest.json file is created while building wknd-spa-react projectI created the react spa-editor based project using steps mentioned here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/spa-editor/rea...
Hi Team,Is it possible to create Page/Template base on SPA Editor but the Header and Footer experience fragment should be rendered from server side, only the body/main section should be dynamically rendered using react.In our project we already have Header and Footer experience fragments which are n...
where can I find all available scriptbindings ? I tried to look into api but it only lists some objects such as request , response, log etc. I do not see properties or currentPage etc, where does these bindings defined?
[Update]: Is it possible to have the values under /apps/...../text/..../rteplugins/styles/styles to come dynamically instead of static values?We have a requirement to have RTE styles plugin with dynamic drop-down values. We have the list of values but somehow unable to bind those values in styles pl...