Hi All, I am trying to create the first react component in my local and did the set up as per the weekend tutorial available.When first time I run the app, all the changes were coming fine on the aem as well as react app (localhost:4502 and localhost:3000). When i created the new component in react ...
I need to hit a servlet whenever the author publishes any content on AEM. I need to do it at the end of the publish workflow such that the servlet is hit only after all the approval processes are complete and AEM finally replicates the content to the publish instance.I need to do it for all ways of ...
Hi all.Recently Im facing an issue when I try to retrieve all liveCopyRelationships related to a page: LiveRelationshipManager liveRelationshipManager = resourceResolver.adaptTo(LiveRelationshipManager.class);RangeIterator liveRelationships = liveRelationshipManager.getLiveRelationships(myPageResour...
Hi Team,i have written custom workflow and started building the code.but while building cod i am getting error like below Class com.btr.bck.workflow.core.wfprocess.customWorkFlow is not assignable to specified service com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.Workflow[ERROR] Error(s) found in bundle configura...
Hi all,I am using AEM 6.2 and I am planning to upgrade to 6.4. I am scanning Upgrade Procedure and how can I know my AEM use whether TarMK or Mongo MK? Thanks,Yin
Hi all,I want to create a date picker component for my project and I don't want to get the values from dialog. How can I directly use date picker as component?
How to allow url in dispatcher filter rules with multiple query parameters. I only know one parameter (example "test").My url is something like this, www.test.com/abc/def/ghi.html?param1=123&test=456¶m3=....
I've created a custom component that has a parsys system allowing you to add child components. While this works properly the added child components are showing up under "Paragraph System - HTL" in the content tree. My use case here is to allow a better user experience for content authors so they can...
We are currently migrating from Classis to Touch UI 6.4. While exploring , we deleted a page to see the functionality of restoring. It asked us to archive the page before deletion but where do I go about to look for it to restore it?
Cors is not working. We added a "*" based entry in the configmnager, but this does not help either.Using postman, we see the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin is not being set in the response from AEM. Is this normal? Here is the postman conversation:I would have expected to see Access-Control-A...