Hello, We are moving all of the permissions in to code and i am stuck with the syntax for Restriction node (for a deny to delete).. I have added below in /ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/website/config.stage/org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit.RepositoryInitializer-custom.config: create group stag...
Hi,Im using SlingHttpServletRequest in my sling model class with jackson exporter. But the request object is always returning null. Can anyone help me on this. @Model(adaptables = {SlingHttpServletRequest.class,Resource.class}, resourceType = { "sample/components/content/example_comp" }, defaultInje...
either via UI or via a servlet call or similar, is there a handy way to see which version of the code is currently running on a given env? either by the git commit number, or a version number held somewhere with an auto increment on build?
Hello Community - We are using static template in our project and we would like to load the clientlibs on need basis. i.e. In one page, I need to use 5 clientlibs and other page I will use only 1 clientlib. I wanted to configure the clientlib in the page properties so that it can easily configurable...
Hello - I have a requirement where an application wants to store user profile data for an authenticated application. I am analyzing how compliant we are to store this info. Volume of Data Users - 50,000User Type - Health care professional. User Data - May contain information such as HCP Medical num...
Hi,we are calling an API using servlet, Our AEM Instance in 6.5.5, we are successfully able to call the servlet and send the CRSF Token in the author instance. However, In the Publisher instance, we are getting an empty response from the /libs/granite/csrf/token.json, how can we validate or authenti...
out of the box, all java code logs written to error.log are duplicated.The culprit is having your own logger format:/myapp.ui.config/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/myapp/osgiconfig/config.author.local/org.apache.sling.commons.log.LogManager.factory.config~myapp.cfg.jsone.g. { "org.apache.sling.co...
Hi, We are migrating components from Coral 2 to Coral 3. In components having multifield the data is currently being stored in JSON format. After coral 3 migration for multifield, we have added a composite={Boolean}true. After migration multifield is storing data in node structure. (e.g item0, item...
We have added a redirect in dispatcher /abc.html to /xyz.html. When https://www.example.com/abc.html is accessedActual behaviour:https://www.example.com/abc.html --> http://www.example.com/xyz.html --> https://www.example.com/xyz.com Expected Behaviour:https://www.example.com/abc.html --> https://...