couldn't find any root cause for this error, can anyone help me on this. 11.08.2021 07:53:45.958 *WARN* [sling-default-3-health-com.adobe.granite.queries.impl.hc.QueryLimitsHealthCheck] com.adobe.granite.queries.impl.hc.QueryLimitsHealthCheck Could not retrieve QueryEngineSettings MBean.11.08.2021 0...
I am trying to get a node based on 2 conditions,Condition number 1 - It should be /apps/myproject/templates/full-content-page templateConditionnumber 2 - It should have property as cq:headerVal and value should be "col3" I have created a query for these 2 conditions. Below query will be meet 1st co...
Hello Team, I have been creating a cloud project by using the following archetype: mvn -B archetype:generate \ -D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem \ -D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype \ -D archetypeVersion=28 \ -D appTitle="React" \ -D appId="react" \ -D artifactId="react" \ -D groupId="com...
I happened to notice that Modal was mentioned in few training materials as part of the core AEM components library. Wondering whether it was ever built and then archived lately. It would be handy to know the structure of this modal component. Also, there is an open issue logged for modal experience ...
Hi All,I am looking for best process to upgrade local cloud sdk for AEM, currently locally I have lot of content and thus every time I am blowing away the whole content and then install the latest SDK but this is very time taking. Below are approaches I am thinking might be more optimal, please sugg...
I have use case where I want my custom bundle to be used as a dependency in another project. I've been guided to use Nexus repo and to pull dependencies from there. Problem is I'm having zero luck finding any helpful tutorials about how to connect nexus to AEM. I would like to know how I can add my ...
Hi all, In one of our page type's properties, we have a pathfield with pickersrc="/mnt/overlay/granite/ui/content/coral/foundation/form/pathfield/picker.html" and root path set to a folder in DAM. The initial dialog is displayed without issues, but if you search for some keyword, the results contain...
Hi all, There are several places in Authoring UI where you see content listed oldest to newest by default, e.g. pages and assets in column view, or pathfiled dialog with /granite/ui/content/coral/foundation/form/pathfield/picker.html as source. Is there some configuration to reverse this behavior, s...
I tried as below, Model A: @Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class) public class ModelA { private String title; @inject Resource resource; ModelB modelb; . @PostConstruct public void init() { modelb = resource.adaptTo(ModelB.class); } } Model B: @M...
In the Authoring environment, we noticed that after user logs out by clicking the "Sign Out" button (/system/sling/logout.html) then still the HTTPSession is not cleared, and the JSESSIONID cookie value is also not cleared nor changed. We are using HTTPSession to store sensitive user information, a...