Hi, How to use the dispatch event in AEM forms rule editor?What are the possible event types it takes in as argument?Can some one help me with that? Using AEM forms 6.5. I am looking to trigger the initialize event in one panel (PanelA) on the click on button in another panel (Panel B), without nav...
This is only happening to the publisher. In author, it's perfect. Our CSE has installed SP13 and followed with form addon installation. But after that, forms on publishers are not render in full height. It's shrinking in the iFrame. Also, some of the form controls stopped working, such as checkbox i...
Greetings All,I have encountered an issue trying to upgrade an AEM 6.5.12 JEE server running on Windows 10 Pro.I was able to install 6.5.12 with Java 8. To get the CFP installer to run, I had to add an Environment Variable "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" set to "-Dos.name=Windows 7". I have updated the install...
Hello ,I have extend the GuideDatePicker package com.adobe.aemds.guide.common;public class GuideDatePicker extends com.adobe.aemds.guide.common.GuideField { I would want to write test case for below public class GuideDatePickerObject extends GuideDatePicker {public GuideDatePickerObject() {}public ...
For example, I want to allow the submission of forms through AEM Dispatcher, I will configure to filter like this:/0261 { /type "allow" /method "POST" /path "/content/forms/af/[A-Za-z0-9-]*/[A-Za-z0-9-]*/jcr:content/guideContainer*" /extension '(jsp)'} # allow POSTs to submit AEM Forms under conten...
Hello Experts, I have written a sling resourcetype servlet which is pointing to - @SlingServletResourceTypes(resourceTypes = "MyProject/components/page", methods = HttpConstants.METHOD_POST, selectors = "pdfService", extensions = "html"). To make url simple and meaning full - i have created a mappin...
Hello Experts, I have written a sling servlet (ResourceType) as per Adobe guidelines. And this is servlet is being exposed as a Rest API. Question is how to protect/ authenticate it on Publish instance: On Publish everyone has Read access and resourcetype is pointing to /content/ which has read acce...
Hi,we followed the instructions onhttps://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/letters-correspondences/data-dictionary.html?lang=en#localize-data-dictionaryregarding how add localised values for data dictionary elements. We fully made it through the whole process nearly succes...
I have installed the turnkey AEM 6.5 JEE server on a Windows 10 Pro workstation to try some development.Is it possible to access this server via HTTP from another workstation?I would like to run Workspace and Workbench from another system. It is installed, up and running - accessible on the localHos...
I am trying to concatenate two form fields values into one. In the rule editor, I tried to Concat a string with a field value. It didn't throw errors, but it just won't work. guideBridge.resolveNode("from-hidden").value = Concat("ABC", this.value);I don't find Concat under Functions from the side pa...