I am trying to find out if AEM in the cloud can work with Microsoft Exchange Server. It should be able to intercept an email and grab the attachments. is this possible?
Hi, Iam trying to add one or more logic to a single field in a metadata schema form editor, i.e a particular field should get displayed only if Logic A and Logic B is satisified. Iam unable to select multiple rules , please suggest how to add multiple logic using "AND, OR operator" in metadata schem...
Hello experts, I have a question. When I add dictionary for an adaptive form, some properties are added in the dictionary automatically, but some are not. I want to know why, can I set the translation rule for adaptive form?
Hi,I have a cron job which executes curl command using java (ProcessBuilder class), but I'm getting Exit Code : 23 on running download command curl -u user_name:user_pwd https://<prod_url>/etc/packages/my_packages/myPackage.zip --output myPackage.zip FYI, I am trying to download the existed package(...
Hello everybody. I will appreciate any help. I have faced an issue with workflow step 'Convert to PDF/A':17.05.2023 15:28:46.557 *DEBUG* [JobHandler: /var/workflow/instances/server0/2023-05-17/review-submit_2:/content/dam/pdf] com.adobe.fd.workflow.assembler.ConvertToPDFAProcess Executing Convert To...
I would like to convert PDF ile to PDF/A. I gonna use the DocConverterServiceClient. Regarding documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/developer-reference/programming-aem-forms-jee/performing-service-operations-using-apis/pdf-a-documents.html?lang=en#convert...
Hi All, We are using AEM 6.5.14 with AEM forms add-on package(6.0.718). We are using plain forms Text Box and Numeric Box Component. We have added ootb validation for "max characters" and "max digits" in the text box and numeric box respectively. We are facing below weird issues in actual Mobile dev...
Hi All, We are using File Attachment Component and have configured the maximum size of 1MB for an attachment. The alert provided is OOTB when the size of the file exceeds 1 MB.How can we restrict the Alert from coming and customize to our error Message. This js is called ootb and we need to restrict...
Hello, I'm trying to use the QR Code object.Currently I'm using a xml file to populate the document, but in the future will be used an API.The value for the QR Code is variable so different inputs will generate different QR Code size.My ideal goal would be to have all the QR Codes with 30mm x 30mm (...