On our regular AEM components through Sites we use Readme.md files in each component and point the helpPath property to the documentation page in components section.We have tried to do the same in Adaptive forms but no link appears in the dialog editor.Anyone know of a way to do this?
Can I put a path to an external JS file in the XDP file of the form to pull variables? Below example. <script contentType="application/x-javascript" src='constants/state-countries.js'/>
Hello,I created new user withSettings > User Management > Users and Groupson AEM forms add-on running on an OSGi(Checked Adobe LiveCycle Client SDK configuration, Apache Jackrabbit Oak UserConfigurationApache Jackrabbit Oak AuthorizableActionProvider) but always messageUsername and password do not ...
I have a form that has two sections in which each has an expandable table. Each table starts with 3 of the repeating rows appearing. When information is entered in the Maintenance Operation field in the table in the first section (Estimate of Maintenance Costs) it prefills to the corresponding fie...
Seen this issue with multiple times and the cause for the issue is not clear:1)- The issue is not AEM Forms version or service pack specific as it was seen with other versions of 6.5.2)- When we try to preview the form it shows below error page3)- When this error comes forms doesn't load in authorin...
We are building some AEM adaptive form components derived from the ootb ones. We are doing this because our client has specific CSS and HTML structure for form elements.We have a text component where we want to define our own display and validation patterns. We have managed to do this ok, but the oo...
I have an Adaptive Form and I'd like to make a given field required via JavaScript. I have tried the following:field.mandatory = "error"field.mandatory = "true"field.mandatory = truefield.required = "error"field.required = trueI have also tried all of the above together with field.validationsDisabl...
Hello, Could some one provide inputs as how to solve the below issue On Adaptive form , We can add multiple components. But my requirement is that each component name must be unique. How achieve it . So if author try to add same name ,it must indicate an error while saving So this will give an indic...