Hi All,We are identifying end points from AEM perspective to upload assets in AEM cloud.So following the below link and trying to upload asset using postman.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/assets/admin/developer-reference-material-apis.html?lang=en#upload-bin...
The way the list of components is displayed in Author changed with the Cumulative Fix Pack 4. The list is now stacked per component with component icon on top of component name on top of component group. Prior to the Fix Pack it was simply the icon beside the component name (component group did no...
Hi Experts, We have a requirement to upload the assets in AEM 6.5 by URL programmatically. The asset URL is a third-party asset URL.What are the options in AEM? Thanks
Our current brand portal instance shows the "Share" option when we are at the top folder and also shows the same for one level down folder. But once we go to second level folder, it only shows "delete', "publish to aem", "properties". Both available and not available screenshots are attached. Is thi...
Hi,The dispatcher.log shows that the 'GET' method is trying to access the path /etc.clientlibs/... instead of /etc/clientlibs/... Please note that there is a period instead of '/'. Where in the configuration settings, CRX resource type, dispatcher.any, IIS Manager or any other location is the dispa...
We want to bulk update the metadata of assets. Just concerned what approach to follow.Asset Metadata Import OOTB(Assets < Create < Metadata)CSV Asset Importer (ACS Common Tools)Every Batch Contains - Asset Count : 50KAsset Size :- 3TB@kautuk_sahni @smacdonald2008
Hi I'd like to add 3rd part library to the AEM bundle. I'd like to use jmagick (it's ImageMagick java wrapper) to process images inside the workflow step. I've added Maven dependencies to the pom file. Inside the class, I've imported jmagick as import magick; But unfortunately, after deploy to the...
Hello, I need to hide the quick action item EDIT from non-admin groups. I am new to AEM and I can only hide the edit button in the action bar using /libs/dam/gui/content/assets/jcr:content/actions/selection/editasset but I cannot hide the button in Quick Action. Please advise!
<div class="xyz"><sly data-sly-list.childPageLvl2="${childPageLvl1.childPages}">---Iterate and print all child pages---</sly>-----View All--- (after child pages are printed then it print 'view all" as a last line)</div> Hi Team,As per above code, it print all 'child pages of root page' and then it p...
Hello Team, I want to use the OOTB metadata import functionality through CSV for updating the assets in bulk. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/assets/metadata/metadata-import-export.html?lang=en#metadata I have a custom meta fields property without namespace, Eg: Cus...