Hey there, I'm trying to run a search using searchAssetsByMetadata like this. <searchAssetsByMetadataParam xmlns="http://www.scene7.com/IpsApi/xsd/2016-01-14-beta"> <companyHandle>c|xxx</companyHandle> <filters> <includeSubfolders>true</includeSubfolders> <assetTypeArray> ...
Hi, we recently started using the Cloud Manager pipelines to run analysis on our code and one of the critical code smells that keep popping up is the following: IssueTypeSeverityEffortRuleTagsDocumentationMake "cryptoSupport" transient or serializable.Code SmellCritical30minsquid:S1948cwe,serializat...
HI, I am seeing an issue in one of our newly built AEm env. We are 6.5.7.I created a template using Empty page template which have single layout container > added the path of template in my XF folder allowed path > but then when I create a XF using that template, I dont see my layout container in th...
I am using the aem-upload tool to upload an asset to an AEM instance. The documentation says "all AEM as a Cloud Service instances will have direct binary upload enabled, so this library will work with those."But, I get the following error. Error: direct binary access not supported
I started with the platform jus a few days ago, seems it has good functions to customise what I need.I have however some large pdf documents that takes too long to become visible.Is there a way to tell the script to load and show the first page and continue loading the rest in the background? Thanks...
We have created an editable template. While moving this to higher environments(to QA,Stage & Prod),there are some confusions reg. permissions while defining it.Use case 1:- In dev , do we need to give the template authors access only to developers .What about in QA - is it only to QA folks? Subseque...
Is there any feature of Page expiration alerts in AEM?Example if my page is going to expire in 3 days a group or a user is need to be notified with the date some days earlier
Hi I've added ImageMagick wrapper (JMagick) to one of my workflow classes. import magick.ImageInfo;import magick.MagickException;Unfortunately, when it is deployed to local AEM instance, I've got the error in http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles like :Imported Packages :magick -- Cannot be ...
Hi I'd like to set my variable in the Command line workflow step. Value for that variable will be the result of ImageMagick command like that: identify -format %[colorspace] some.jpg I'll be grateful for any help or suggestions. Any example will be also very useful.