While applying for the assets developer professional exam I saw the code to be AD0-E129. But when searching on internet I found AD0-E100 with the same name and in no where I could find any same questions for AD0-E129. Which is the right exam? And could anyone help me in getting practice questions be...
Our organization is looking to enable AVIF as part of smart imaging from Dynamic Media. We are developing our testing strategy and I'm looking to get community feedback on potential risks or experiences with enabling AVIF that we should test for. Anyone have success or learning lessons from AVIF e...
I am getting following error in aem bundlescom.microsoft.aad.msal4j,version=[1.14,2) -- Cannot be resolvedcom.microsoft.graph.models -- Cannot be resolvedI have added following instructions, however my issue is still not resolved<plugin><groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId><artifactId>maven-bundle-plu...
Our image upload process (OOTB I think) includes the creation of a few thumbnails specifically required for use on AEM screens only. But they appear as static renditions for each image, and are also options for download. I've read that the display of these can be limited by using the 'image preset l...
Hello, We have requirement to import around 1L assets in AEM. It's available in Azure Blob Storage with folder structure like abc/1, abc/2, abc/3 etc. and it needs in same structure in AEM like xyz/1, xyz/2, xyz/3 etc.Each folder( abc/1, abc/2 ) contains around 1000 images.What is the best and opt...
Hello Team,We are using AEM smart tagging to add predicted tags for the assets. Now we have the requirement to add these options in the search filter .The predicates are storing in this hierarchy I have add the filter at this level
Hi Team,I have a requirement to add the Iframe field and table option in the meta data schema, I dont see those options are available OOTB. Kindly suggest how can we add these?
Hello.I want to integrate adobe assets https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/content/assets/managing/asset-selector.html?lang=en in Drupal media fields. Could you give me some ideas, docs to make this integrations ? or exist some module or plugin with the functionality.Thanks...
Hello dear Community!Hope you are all having a wonderful day. As my company wants to up it's game with AEM Assets for it's print media production workflows, I kinda tripped over a wire that i did not expect there.You see, the regular workflow was that an Editor downloaded the necessary files, update...
I'm attempting to construct a query to retrieve assets based on a selected JCR node type. I'm attempting to compare the nodeType variable within the following condition.I have added condition:{{#if '{{nodeType}}' == 'dam:Asset'}}From the above observation, it is noted that I am encountering this exc...