Hello Community,I'm working on a project for a major newspaper in Brazil, where we've developed a simple wizard to help authors publish their articles more quickly.Everything functions well overall, but we are encountering an issue with the image upload times when using the API (initiate-upload).htt...
Hi, we've uploaded over a 1000 assets with 7 smart crops set in the image profile. We now want to add 3 more smart crops - and apply them to all existing images. We can do this by running the 'dynamic media re-process assets' workflow. BUT.... any adjustments to smart crop setting on any of those or...
Hi Team Currently we are not having any frontend codebase in ui-frontend module level ,only we maintaining at component level . Is there any recommendation or advantages handling ui-frontend module level instead of component level for better performance. RegardsVara
Hi Team Can you please let me know what are advantages or scenario we need use AEM Project Modules it.test & ui.test ? Currently we are writing Junit testcases for backend logic in core module itself .what is recommendations here for better maintained or organizing the of codebase. RegardsVara
I need to do a bulk delete operation on a folder with a large amount of nodes as the folder we migrated had a lot more junk in it than was originally expected. So we want to scrap the folder and re-migrate correctly. However, I have to go folder by folder essentially using the UI delete button. I...
Hi TeamCan we use ui.tests module for code coverage & automation Testcases executions. Can you please let me know, what we can do using ui.test modules and difference Cypress based UI tests( ui.tests.cypress & Selenium based UI tests(ui.tests.wdio) which is recommended to achieve the code coverage ...
Hi Team when we create AEM Project it's also created module "ui.apps.structure". what is Use, benefits & use case scenario for "ui.apps.structure" module? Note: ui-apps is very important module which having components what don't know what "ui.apps.structure" module having is its nice to have this mo...
Hi TeamI am not able sync changes of ui-frontend module either using vscode aem sync extension or mvn command. Please let me know how to sync. ui-frontend module changes to do the unit testing or debugging as part of frontend module changes. 1) Using VS Code AEM Sync, I am able to sync changes ui-...
Hi Team Can you please help difference between these maven commands for build & deploy the AEM Project. 1) What is exactly doing when we run the profile adobe-public & when we need to use this command or adobe-public profile?mvn clean install -Padobe-public2) what is difference between profilesautoI...