I have several elements - campaigns, workflows, deliveries - that I used for specific situations and I would now like to save them as templates. Is there any direction option or a workaround in ACS to do that, or do I have to create new elements from scratch under Templates? Thanks in advance for an...
Hello, Can someone explain the difference between a trap, a proof and an email rendering for a test profile ? I which to create a test profile to see if my emailing campaign is well setup, however I do not want to send a test email to all the real targeted audience. How should I proceed ? Than...
Hi all,I want to query profiles that have total purchase of brand X > total purchase of brand Y.This data comes from a custom table where we only have the brand chosen by the profile and the total purchase. Brand is text type and the total purchase is floating number type. I tried doing the query us...
An Agency has created this Email Script Token for us: My question: What does the highlighted mean? #if ( $lead.Salutation.matches("^(?i:m)$") && !$lead.LastName.isEmpty() ) Dear Mr ${lead.LastName}## #elseif ( $lead.Salutation.matches("^(?i:f)$") && !$lead.LastName.isEmpty() ) Dear Ms ${lead.La...
We are trying to add the IOS pen certificate ON Campaign (already managed to add the Android server key without an issue) and have been getting this error: Mobile Error code:21 - Invalid iOS certificate. Empty certificate key. Could not open a connection with APNS/APNS_SANDBOX server. Error while e...
I am working on an use case where a Landing page is created for user data collection. As soon as the user hits on submit button, I want to trigger a workflow with the data collected from Landing Page to be passed as parameters in the workflow. Is it possible?
Good afternoon! I am working to build a form where 1 questions is prompting the visitor to check all that apply. E.g. What food interests do you have? (check all that apply) ■ Pizza ■ Burger ■ Donut If someone were to select all three, and the "name" of the checkbox were to be "name = foodin...
Good afternoon! I'm working to build out a survey experience that leverages an ACS Landing Page containing a survey form embedded in an AEM page via iframe. The properties of the landing are set to preload visitor data. We'll be deploying the link to the external page via email from ACS. In my...
Hey there, Quick question (I think): is there a way to extract and transfer a CSV file with ANSI encoding in ACS? I see that if I choose to extract a file as Text I can choosing which encoding to use; however, when I change it to CSV, I no longer have that option... Thanks in advance. Best, Ca...