Hi, I have installed Adobe Campaign v6.1 on local machine.Created a Campaign and delivery but not receiving mail.While check in Monitoring on Client Console in Process list .....refer image[1][1] How resolve these error
Hi all,I am new to working with adobe campaign with target,When I was trying to include a dynamic image in an email campaign via target . I came across the option to provide a Target location(rawbox). Any help on what to mention here in this field , also I understand that default image tab will hav...
I was trying to include Dynamic images from target in an email campaign, but I could not find the option Include > Dynamic image served by Adobe Target in the email properties.I understand that I have to configure TNT Edge server and TNT Tenant Name for enabling the above mentioned option.I have th...
Hello all,We have based our various email list subscription forms on the standard serviceSubLandingPage webApp template.Functionally it now works fine (thanks to this forum!).We styled the form fields in the webapp itself, but we cannot figure out how to override the CSS to get the page width down t...
Hi,Does Adobe Campaign provides a way to track delivery data on recipient of emails that they received as forwards from other original recipients from Adobe Campaign? Thanks & RegardsPiyush
Hi,While installing adobe campaign in windows server 2008 r2, I am getting below error on while Database connection with PostgresPostgresSQL error: ERROR: encoding 'LATIN1' does not match local "English_United States.1252" DETAIL: The chosen LC_CTYPE setting requires encoding "WIN1252".If any idea p...
Hi - Does anyone know what "default" browser is? I ran a distribution report on browser (@userAgent), and "default" is 3rd on the list of browsers being used by our recipients (Chrome and Firefox are #1 and #2, respectively; and #4 is IE), so I was just wondering what "default" refers to in this cas...
Hi,I am doing an AB Test and need to pass through the Delivery ID in order to then union the data back together and perform some analysis on the results (producing data extracts of recipient activities). However I can't seem to get a delivery ID to be passed through from the deliveries themselves. I...