How are folks maintaining their campaigns, workflows, and schema changes? I found this project ( and I'm wondering if there is anything else out there. I'm hoping to find an easy/seamless way to integrate edits done in Campaign with TFS version file manageme...
I am wondering if Test and Target or Audience Manager is the program needed for a certain use case.ExampleA push note or in app message is sent to a user selling product A.The user does not buy product A so I show them a message selling product B.They buy product B so I upsell to product C. Pretty m...
Hi All,I'm trying to create a Boolean field into my custom schema with default value set as "true".I tried with the following statement:<attribute default="true" label="Export to FOX" name="foxExportFlgg" type="boolean"/>Unfortunately the default value is always set as false.This is the generated SQ...
Hello,I'm trying to add some music to my videos in adobe premier elements 11. I go to add media, click go to files and folders, find the music in my USB, click on the track I wish to add, but I get an error message -'You're trying to add media from a removable media, please use video importer for im...
Hello,I have been trialing Adobe Elements 11 to edit some videos, I decided to purchase the system. I paid £70 and it seems that I've purchased Adobe Photoshop 15, I've already got Photoshop 11. I downloaded it and I can't access the video section. I thought I'd bought Adobe Elements 15. Is there ...
I want to create a new campaign through SOAP API calls. I have developed a web application, through which you can login in your instance and view the list of the campaign, workflow, and delivery. Now I am trying to create a new campaign through web application.
Hi,I was trying to implement Message Center Module in Campaign , following the guidelines from Adobe Captivate Prime course "Using Message Center in Adobe Campaign v6" . I have successfully completed this. I tested the Soap request's response using Soap UI. I want to know how to establish this via W...
While saving date fields in the portal screens for creating some IDs, it is getting saved as one day lesser than the given input. This happens only in remote machines but not in local machine.Could someone please provide the root cause for this?Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone,I wanted to know how to set Objectives at campaign, delivery level and which is the purpose of objectives. Where I can find them after the campaing is finished? Thano you,Giovanna
HiHow can we leverage standard plugins for v6 or 7 when working with Campaign Standard.We need to integrate MS Dynamics with a ACS implementation and would prefer doing it over the plug in. The option is to manage this on the database level but its more custom.BestAxel