Using the delivery summary OOTB report within my push "folder", i can choose a date range and generate results for all campaign or delivery metrics of my choice. However, for push, I would like to see a subset of results by Android vs iOS (e.g. sends, opens, etc). There is a "device" metric but it d...
Ihave updated the brand for my instance with two dynamic tracking parameters, however when I send a delivery using this brand the link results in an error. Requested URL '/r/?id=h1770,65caca,65cb4d&id=XXXX%40XXX%7CBOW' cannot be foundI am hiding the email address with XXThis is only happening with l...
I am looking to set up monitoring for the different UI instances of Adobe for our client. I have tried using thousand eyes which we primarily use for the synthetic transaction tests but the login to Adobe ui asks for authentication code which makes it difficult to configure via the thousand eyes scr...
Hello everyone, first of all I would like to thank you for your support. While testing and sending our first campaigns in ACS we came across some incorrect representations of deliveries in Outlook (Windows versions only). The problem is the following: Images are sometimes displayed across the full w...
Hi, I have the column separator as ";"(semi colon) under file structure of the load activity, but when I have the input file with diff. column separator (ex: "|" pipe). So how do I reject the file in the load file activity. Thanks in Advance,
I often have to share ACS emails with people who do not have access to ACS, so I typically send a link to the web version of the email to these people. However, I noticed that these links break after a couple of months and I can no longer access the link. Has anyone found a way to make these links p...
Ex: I have an Email field which is coming from the profile table using a query and I want to pass this email to the external parameters. Please help me in achieving the solution. Please see the screenshots attached for your reference. 1. 2. In the Image 2, the constant value is passed to the externa...
Hi, I wanna create I workflow in order to stop workflow in error for ACC I was able to do it with a simple script. Can anyone guide how can I do it in ACS to stop all the workflows in error automatically.Thanks in advance..
Hi, I want to schedule a single send delivery via a workflow and once that delivery completes, I am looking for getting an email notification with the delivery details, like total delivered, total bounces etc. is this possible?