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Thanks @Jagpreet_Singh_ for this initiative!
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Author: @ParthaSarathy |
Author: @Darshil_Shah1 |
Author: @aanchal-sikka and @Anmol_Bhardwaj |
Author: @Benjienen |
Author: @Madalyn_Destafney |
Author: @PratheepArunRaj |
Author: @Gokul_Agiwal and @Rajneesh_Gautam_ |
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Keep interim populations
The 'Keep the result of interim populations between two executions' option keeps temporary tables between two executions of a workflow.
This option in workflow property’s General tab can be used for development and test purpose to monitor data and check results. You can use this option in development environments, but Never use it on production environments.
This option consumes a lot of disk space
Keeping temporary tables could result in the size of the database increasing significantly and eventually the size limit being reached.
There might be many scenarios where a developer may enable this 'Keep interim populations' checkbox during development or testing phase, but might get forget to uncheck it. If there are many workflows in your instance with this option enabled, it will lead to consume a lot of disk space.
To avoid it, you can create a technical workflow as below to automatically uncheck the 'Keep interim populations' option.
Schedule the workflow to run once a week.
Below script will fetch all the workflows which have been modified 7 days before with 'Keep the result of interim populations between two executions' option enabled and update the keep interim flag as 'false', which will uncheck this option in workflow property.
var sevenDaysAgo = new Date();
sevenDaysAgo.setDate(sevenDaysAgo.getDate() - 7);
sevenDaysAgo = formatDate(sevenDaysAgo, "%2M/%2D/%4Y %2H:%2N:%2S");
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(
<queryDef schema="xtk:workflow" operation="select">
<node expr="@id"/>
<node expr="@lastModified"/>
<node expr="@keepResult"/>
<condition expr={"@lastModified <'"+ sevenDaysAgo +"'"}/>
var record = query.ExecuteQuery();
for each (var variable in record) {
if(variable.@keepResult == true){
var primaryKey = variable.@id;
var keepInterimResult = 0;
xtk.session.Write(<workflow xtkschema="xtk:workflow" _operation="update" id={primaryKey} keepResult={keepInterimResult} />);
- Try the above workflow in your lower environments before running it in PRODUCTION.
- Recommend the Operators to NOT to enable keep interim flag in PROD.
Nice initiative @ParthaSarathy @Jagpreet_Singh_
I have a similar workflow where I also add a piece to remove SQL Log in case it was also check.
will be happy to share the package if needed.
Thank you @DavidKangni .
Yes Sure, kindly share the workflow package. It will be an additional learning for us!!
check and let me know. During import, you may need to update console build.
Thanks @DavidKangni for the package, I will have a look at it.
From the above script, I have added few lines of script to check and update 'Log SQL queries in the journal' along with keep interim results.
var sevenDaysAgo = new Date();
sevenDaysAgo.setDate(sevenDaysAgo.getDate() - 7);
sevenDaysAgo = formatDate(sevenDaysAgo, "%2M/%2D/%4Y %2H:%2N:%2S");
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(
<queryDef schema="xtk:workflow" operation="select">
<node expr="@id"/>
<node expr="@lastModified"/>
<node expr="@keepResult"/>
<node expr="@showSQL"/>
<condition expr={"@lastModified <'"+ sevenDaysAgo +"'"}/>
var record = query.ExecuteQuery();
for each (var variable in record) {
if(variable.@keepResult == true){
var primaryKey = variable.@id;
var keepInterimResult = 0;
xtk.session.Write(<workflow xtkschema="xtk:workflow" _operation="update" id={primaryKey} keepResult={keepInterimResult} />);
if(variable.@showSQL == true){
var primaryKey = variable.@id;
var showSqlLogs = 0;
xtk.session.Write(<workflow xtkschema="xtk:workflow" _operation="update" id={primaryKey} showSQL={showSqlLogs} />);
This is great, thank you for sharing! We regularly see our DB usage spike due to Keep Interim, so this automation will come in really handy.
Saying that, we find that the reality is that Keep Interim is a necessary evil, in order to validate, reconcile and debug live campaigns. The directive to "not use in Production" would be more powerful if there was some alternative way to achieve what our Campaign Developers need to achieve.
There should be an option to "Keep Sample Population" where users can see a only a subset of the data. Just a thought
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Tips & Tricks
Task Variable
A Task Variable created in an activity can be used only by the current task/activity. Example, If a task variable is created in Query activity's Advanced tab > Initialization script, then the value stored in this task variable will be applicable only within this Query activity, and if this task variable is called in another Activity of the same workflow, it will populate result as 'undefined'.
Syntax: task.vars.xxx
Event Variable
An event variable created in an activity can be passed to the following activities.
Syntax: vars.xxx
Using Event Variable in filtering Condition:
Consider an Event variable is created in beginning of the workflow as vars.firstName='Partha';
In Query to filter First name equals to vars.firstName, refer the Event variable in the Value column as $(vars/@firstName).
Instance Variable
The instance variables are comparable to global variables. They are shared by all activities in the same workflow.
Syntax: instance.vars.xxx
Using Instance Variable in filtering Condition:
Consider an Instance variable is created in beginning of the workflow as instance.vars.lastName='Sarathy';
In Query to filter Last name equals to instance.vars.lastName, refer the Instance variable in the Value column as $(instance/vars/@lastName).
Event Variable Vs Instance Variable
In the below Workflow there are 2 independent flows.
Consider an Event variable is created in JS-1 on 1st flow. In the same flow, it is possible to read the value of JS-1's event variable in JS-2.
But when it is tried to call the 1st flow's event variable in 2nd flow (say, JS-3), it will print 'undefined'.
So, If the requirement is to create a variable in JS-1, which can also be used in JS-3 (another flow of same workflow), then create it as instance variable.
Calling a Variable in the Content of the Delivery
Few Requirement requires to call these event variable or instance variable inside the delivery content or in the delivery attachments. In such cases, we need to make few configurations as below to populate the event variable / instance variable of a workflow inside the delivery content.
Consider 2 instance variables are created in the workflow,
instance.vars.city = 'Chennai';
instance.vars.country = 'India';
To call these instance variable inside the delivery content, In Delivery's Script tab (Right click delivery activity > Open), and add instance variable to delivery.variables as below,
(If there are many variables, add another lines with incrementing var[2] var[3] etc.,)
Now navigate to delivery properties' Variable tab.
Add > Name: city > ok
Add > Name: country > ok
In Delivery Body > include dropdown > Delivery Parameters > All the variables created in the properties will be visible here
Now <%= variables.city %> will populate the value of instance.vars.city and <%= variables.country %> populate the value of instance.vars.country
Hello @ParthaSarathy;
Thank you for your initiative.
i wanted to add some tips that permit to force the type of the variable in the query :
I use it when I have a need to use the 'IN' or 'NOT IN' operator in my query.
Let's say vars/@myVar = 'A','B','D'. If I do "@col IN $(vars/@myVar)" in Adobe, it translates it as "@col IN (''A','B','D'')" which doesn't work :/.
With $noescaping, the quotes aren't added, and the query works just fine.
Workflow Best Practices:
These are few best practices to keep in mind when building a workflow. Please feel free to comment and share other workflow best practices!
Best Practices
There many online Best Practices documentation available to create a healthy campaign Environment. Here are the few highlighting Best Practices for this week,
Adobe campaign classic and Adobe Target Integration
Adobe campaign classic can be integrated with Adobe Target to optimize email content with personalized dynamic images.
For example, we can display different offer images for different recipients based on Recipient's Country.
In Adobe Target, Create a Experience targeting activity as below and publish it,
country equals to India >> Experience A
country equals to United States >> Experience B
All Visitors >> Experience C
Collect the below details from Adobe Target,
Now in Adobe Campaign Classic, Install the Integration with the Adobe Experience Cloud built-in package (Tools > Advanced > Import Package > Install a standard package > Select 'Integration with the Adobe Experience Cloud' > Start)
Next, Navigate to Administration > Platform > Options > search for the below options and configure the values.
1) TNT_EdgeServer - Enter Adobe Target's Domain Server details in value textbox.
2) TNT_TenantName - Enter Adobe Target's client code.
Create a New Email Delivery.
HTML Content > include > dynamic image served by Adobe target
Default image: URL of an image (Default image will be rendered to Recipients who does not belongs to any Experience created in Adobe Target)
Target location (Rawbox): Paste the rawbox detail collected from Adobe Target
Landing Page: URL of a Landing page when user click on the image
Target Property: Paste the AT Property detail collected from Adobe Target
Additional decision parameter:
Name - country
Select - recipient.country.label
When the delivery is triggered, each recipient will be receiving an email with the personalized image based on their country.
The Snowflake and Adobe Campaign (V7) integration provides users with the ability to unlock deep value from their data by offering a single, unified, and easy-to-use platform for data analysis. Snowflake equips organizations with a single, integrated platform that offers the data warehouse built for the cloud; instant, secure and governed access to their entire network of data; and a core architecture to enable many types of data workloads, including a single platform for developing modern data applications.
Click here To know more...
To Integrate Adobe campaign classic with Snowflake, Get the following details from SNOWFLAKE
Remote database access rights:
To process the data contained in an external database, the Adobe Campaign user must have at least ‘Write’ rights on the database to be able to create worktables. These are deleted automatically by Adobe Campaign.
Generally, The following rights are necessary:
Adobe Campaign:
> Navigate to /Administration/Platform/External Accounts/
> Create new external account.
> In General tab,
> Save the External account and 'Test the connection'.
In Parameters tab, Click on Deploy functions button to create functions.
For Keypair authentication, click the Keypair Auth tab to use your Private key to authenticate and copy paste your Private key.
To extend the TABLES and VIEWS from snowflake, Navigate to /Administration/Configuration/Data schemas/
New > Access External Data > Select the external account 'Snowflake_External_Account' > and from Tables, Select the table to be extended >
Next > The schema structure will get auto-generated > Save it.
In Data tab, we can preview the data from snowflake.
A link describes the association between one table and another.
The various types of associations (known as “cardinalities”) are as follows:
Lets discuss about Basic syntax for various link definitions.
1 to Many
WHEN: one occurrence of the source table can have several corresponding occurrences of the target table, but one occurrence of the target table can have at most one corresponding occurrence of the source table.
Example: nms:recipient and nms:broadLogRcp schema
Where 1 Recipient can have multiple records in BroadLogRcp schema and 1 BroadLogRcp can be linked with only one Recipient record.
WHERE: Where to code the 1 to N link Definition?
In 1 to Many cardinality, the code should be written in Target (Many-N) schema. In the above example, the code should be written in nms:broadLogRcp schema.
Basic Syntax:
<element label="Recipient" name="recipient" revLabel="Recipient delivery logs" target="nms:recipient" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@destination_key_attribute" xpath-src="@source_key_attribute"/>
1 to 1
One occurrence of the source table can have at most one corresponding occurrence of the target table.
With the same syntax of 1 to Many join, add revCardinality="single" to make it as 1 to 1 Join.
We will explore how to write syntax for 1-1 Left join, Right join, Inner join and Outer Join.
WHERE: Where to write the script?
We can write the link definition in any of the schema. For the below example, consider the script is written in 'Table_1'
1 to 1 Inner Join
By default syntax of 1 to 1 Join, the cardinality will act as 1 to 1 inner join.
<element revCardinality="single" label="Target Schema Label" name="target_Schema_name" revLabel="Source Schema Label" target="abc:targetSchema" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@destination_key_attribute" xpath-src="@source_key_attribute"/>
1 to 1 Left Join
With the 1 to 1 link definition syntax, add externalJoin="true" to it.
<!-- Script is written in table_1 -->
<element externalJoin="true" revCardinality="single" label="Target Schema Label" name="target_Schema_name" revLabel="Source Schema Label" target="abc:targetSchema" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@destination_key_attribute" xpath-src="@source_key_attribute"/>
1 to 1 Right Join
With the 1 to 1 link definition syntax, add revExternalJoin="true" to it.
<!-- Script is written in table_1 -->
<element revExternalJoin="true" revCardinality="single" label="Target Schema Label" name="target_Schema_name" revLabel="Source Schema Label" target="abc:targetSchema" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@destination_key_attribute" xpath-src="@source_key_attribute"/>
1 to 1 Full Outer Join
Add both externalJoin="true" and revExternalJoin="true" to the 1 to 1 syntax as below,
<!-- Script is written in table_1 -->
<element externalJoin="true" revExternalJoin="true" revCardinality="single" label="Target Schema Label" name="target_Schema_name" revLabel="Source Schema Label" target="abc:targetSchema" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@destination_key_attribute" xpath-src="@source_key_attribute"/>
Many to Many
Many to Many (N - N) - one occurrence of the source table can have several corresponding occurrences of the target table, and vice-versa.
In Adobe Campaign, to create Many to many link between two schema, we have to create an relationship (intermediate) table. A relationship table will be linked 1:N with each table and this will let you link two tables with cardinality N-N.
Example: One Recipient can have multiple records in List and one List can store multiple Recipients in it.
So, to create many to many relationship with nms:recipient and nms:group schema, there is an OOTB relationship (intermediate) table 'Recipient lists content' (nms:rcpGrpRel)
nms:rcpGrpRel Table has 2 attributes as composite primary key: group-id and recipient-id.
In this intermediate relationship table, Link will be created as 1 rcpGrpRel can have multiple Recipients( 1 to Many) and 1 rcpGrpRel can have multiple Lists ( 1 to Many)
<element label="Recipient" name="recipient" target="nms:recipient" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@id" xpath-src="@recipient-id"/>
<element label="List" name="rcpGroup" target="nms:group" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@id" xpath-src="@group-id"/>
Based on the requirement of the cardinality, the following optional attributes can be added along with basic syntax,
revLink (optional): name of reverse link from the target schema (deduced automatically by default),
integrity (optional): referential integrity of the occurrence of the source table to the occurrence of the target table. Possible values are as follows:
revIntegrity (optional): integrity on the target schema (optional, “normal” by default)
@ParthaSarathy Very good stuff, keep it up.
Targeting Dimension & Filtering Dimension
The targeting dimension lets you define the population targeted by the operation
Frequently used query conditions
The filtering dimension lets you select the population based on certain criteria
For Example, to select recipients who received a particular email, select the targeting dimension as Recipients schema and the filtering dimension as Delivery Logs Schema.
Alternatively, In the above example, we can also have both targeting dimension and filtering dimension as Recipient schema, and inside filtering condition expression we can use Delivery Log exists such as as below,
In queries, “exists such as” conditions in filters are not efficient. They are the equivalent of a sub-query in SQL
Instead, As a BEST PRACTICE, Select targeting dimension as Recipient and Filtering dimension as Delivery Log Schema, in filtering condition expression, you can find attributes of Delivery Log schema and directly use those attributes. The equivalent of the filtering dimension in SQL is the inner join:
SQL statement comparison for the above 2 screenshot query conditions,
Exist such as:
SELECT DISTINCT R0.iRecipientId FROM NmsRecipient R0 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM NmsBroadLogRcp B1 WHERE (B1.iRecipientId = R0.iRecipientId) AND (((B1.iStatus = 1)))) AND ((R0.iRecipientId > 0 OR R0.iRecipientId < 0))
Selecting Filtering Dimension:
SELECT DISTINCT R1.iRecipientId FROM NmsBroadLogRcp B0 JOIN NmsRecipient R1 ON (R1.iRecipientId = B0.iRecipientId) WHERE (B0.iStatus = 1) AND ((B0.iBroadLogId > 0 OR B0.iBroadLogId < 0))
Query Conditions
With 1 to Many linked schema, 4 different operators can be seen in Query editor and Lets discuss about it with few examples,
Example: To fetch recipients who have Received a particular email But haven't opened it.
Targeting Dimension: nms:recipient
Fileting Dimension: nms:recipient
Exist: To fetch recipients who have at least one record in its linked schema.
For example, There is a 'Complaint' schema, where whenever a recipient has raised a complaint request, a record will get created in Complaint schema linked with recipient (1 to Many link between recipient and complaint schema)
Targeting Dimension: nms:recipient
Fileting Dimension: nms:recipient
Select Complaint schema from Expression and operator as 'Exist'.
Do not exist: To fetch recipients who have NO record in its linked schema.
In the same above example of 'Complaint' schema, where a recipient has not raised a single complaint request.
Targeting Dimension: nms:recipient
Fileting Dimension: nms:recipient
Select Complaint schema from Expression and operator as 'Do not Exist'.
Exist such as: To fetch recipients who have at least one record in its linked schema and satisfying particular additional condition in its linked schema.
Example, In 'Complaint' schema, to fetch recipient who has raised a complaint request in last 7 days.
Targeting Dimension: nms:recipient
Fileting Dimension: nms:recipient
Select Complaint schema from Expression and operator as 'Exist such as' and in sub-condition, creation date on or after DaysAgo(7)
Do not exist such as: To fetch recipients who have NO records in its linked schema and satisfying particular additional condition in its linked schema.
Example, To fetch recipient who haven't raised a complaint request in last 7 days.
Targeting Dimension: nms:recipient
Fileting Dimension: nms:recipient
Select Complaint schema from Expression and operator as 'Do not Exist such as' and in sub-condition, creation date on or after DaysAgo(7)
Additionally, when the Date time field like creation date is used in query conditioned and value is mentioned as DaysAgo(7), be aware that it will be considering the time as well. Example, if the workflow runs at 28/10/2023 18:21:00, then DaysAgo(7) will fetch records created from 21/10/2023 18:21:00
But, If the logic requires to fetch all the records created 7 days ago irrespective of time (From 12 AM), either use ToDate() function on both expression and value
ToDate(@created) on or after ToDate(DaysAgo(7))
Or use DateOnly() function on both expression and value
DateOnly(@created) on or after DateOnly(DaysAgo(7))
So either by using ToDate() or DateOnly() function, if the workflow runs at 28/10/2023 18:21:00, then DaysAgo(7) will fetch all the records created from 21/10/2023 00:00:00
To know more about other list of available functions, Refer this link.