Hi Team,Can anyone please help me understand, if we can connect Adobe campaign classic with Whatsapp for business.I want to know the feasibility of connecting them via Adobe I/O for data share between Adobe campaign and Whatsapp for business.Any lead would be helpful.Regards,Subrat Sahu
Hi ,Currently our system (adobe campaign classic v7) using push notification. we want to implement through message center too.I understand the step of replication of setting in run instance. Since our instance is hosted one and we asked adobe support to do that.Is there any way to view or check if ...
Hello everyone,we have Adobe campaign v7 classic instance where we have existing recipient records. Till now contact number was added to phone field. We have recently introduced SMS and it is not considering phone field to target SMS deliveries. It requires mobile number field to be populated for th...
Hi guys,I want to use typology rules to limit the number of deliveries for an email within a week. But I want that some "operational" deliveries skip this rule. Is there a way to flag these so they won't be on the typology rule? And how can I set it so it only skips the limitation rule but not the o...
Hi there,I met an issue when sending out emails via my personal server.I set the server configuration per the guideline but still failed to send out the email. (The SMTP server is installed, I can correctly send/receive letters using methods other than Adobe.)The proof status is stuck at "start pend...
Hi all,We are implementing Campaign Classic for a client and the deployment type is managed service/hosting (not on premise).The client's data is present in a Oracle based BI system and this BI system is "on-premise".I understand that the FDA is not an option for managed service Adobe Campaign Class...
Hello Folks,I am writing Delivery Logs to a file and exporting to a server location using Data Extraction activity.Order of workflow activities: Scheduler -> Query -> Data Extraction -> Alert -> EndFile Name is: Email_Stats_2019-04-27 004523.csv1. I want to include Exclusion Logs in the same file, b...
Hi all,Has anyone tried or know of a way to get personalized hyper in a column (as in the URL should be personalized according to record of that row) of a custom created report in Adobe Campaign Classic. What I am doing is, passing a column that contains custom URLs that will be source of data for a...
Hello,With Campaign Classic we would like to send a special offer email to the customer who visits some products in the website. But we do not want to send the email every customer on every product, we will have a business logic like if the product's price is higher than $100 and user is a VIP user ...
Hi team,Can we store the Message ID generated from the SMS Vendor within ACM Delivery receipt/Delivery Logs. Currently we are using SMPP Protocol to send the SMS.from ACM. We are getting the DLR from the SMS Vendor in following format:-2019-03-25|14:06:31|SRC:9180012386035|DST:VK-XYZUVW|SMS:id:2989...