Hi All,Please help me in finding the way like, how to set a default value for a field in form's dropdown? Do we need to change in Schema or the form?For example, in the below image the "Campaign Type" field is having two values created in enumerations as "Referral Campaign" and "Social Media Campaig...
Hi We have created Typology rules on Recipient, to check the working hours and based on the Time Zone, send email only during work hrs (9:00 to 17:00).When I do send a proof, I get the below error.
I want to call a function defined in javascript to enable a container something like...but instead of HasPackage, i need to call a function that i have written. based on the return value of the function i have written... <container applicableIf="HasPackage('nms:response')" type="visibleGr...
Hi,I am trying to use split activity to limit each of the data group to 2 rows.I am getting the following error XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression ' AND [temp:extract-grp:@internalRank]<=2'.XTK-170037 'AND' is a binary operator. At least one operand is missing.Executing extraction 'Subset' (step ...
Hi Team,Is there any way to take any floating type data up to 4 decimal digital place and load to schema with help of data Loading Activity.Whenever I am taking the floating datatype in declaring column details in data loading activity it will trucnate the alst 2 decimal digits also tried same with ...
I am trying to understand whether it is possible to define multiple data schemas over the same FDA table, but each one returning a different subset of data.If this is possible, how can it be achieved (what are the xml directives to use, and any limitations or traps to be aware of).Thank you.
Hello all! I would like to know the best method to go about implementing a Test activity to 4 of my technical workflows. I currently have 4 different workflows (one for each Newsletter subscription type, health, pets, etc) When they run I sometimes get deadlocks and my workflow fails. I figured if I...
Hi all,Struggling to get this one to work, hoping someone here can assist.I have a personlisation block with some java-script in it, i only want the block to display if the dates are valid:<%//declare start and end date for blockvar startDate1 = '2019-08-01'; // start date for block1 - following for...
Hello,I am trying to establish our Mobile Channel through Campaign Classic, however our vendor told me that the last remaining issue is that we are sending mobile numbers with a leading 0. This causes the messages to error out in their system.It appears that the leading zero is added to the recipien...
Hi all,I managed to bypass default dataPolicy = "phone" on mobilePhone field in nms:recipient (shema nms:recipient extended and set dataPolicy = "none" ) which enables us storing mobile number as string in prefered format.But there is a problem with insert mobile phone in Seed addresses (below) wher...