Trying to build a report table show Opens / Clicks using something similar to the recipient delivery log 'RowId' Have built workflow using BroadLog, TrackingLog & Recipient tables, and complimentary data: RowId(GetDate([delivery/broadLogRcp/eventDate])).... but this generates the RowId of the Broad...
Hi, I have found that table NmsBroadLogRcp is updated in batches For ex. likeUPDATE NmsBroadLogRcp SET iStatus=:1, iMsgId=:2, tsEvent=:3, tsLastModified=cast(SYSTIMESTAMP as TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) WHERE iDeliveryId=:4 AND iStatus=:5 AND ROWNUM<=5000 I'm looking for solution how to manage batch si...
Hi everyone, I am playing with email attachments from local computer and it works fine when it is used on test environment as there exist only one app server.When it is used on production environment where exist two app servers and load balancer in front of them, attachment is uploaded only on one s...
Hi there, I am trying to import data from my Salesforce CRM into Adobe Campaign but there is no documentation on a key step of the configuration. My question is, how do I create a link/reconciliation/define identifiers across Campaign and Salesforce, so that I can import data for specific people? Fo...
Hi everyone,I'm currently working with a transactional eDM using SOAP UI for testing. This particular eDM has three pieces of content which are supposed to render under certain circumstances.The fields which are driving this, however, only have one value and if this value is not passed via the API, ...
Hi,May someone help me to understand why in some case, the dashboard view doesnt work properly for particular research campaigns ? Do you have any informations about this kind of bug ?Thank you very much.
Hi,How to update schema using update data activity where input for update data activity should be result of javascript code?In the above workflow, I have created an expression emailAddress = "" and in the JS code sets the value for emailAddress.Used newly created field in update data activity as bel...
Hi guys,Is there such an option or a "workaround" to check the behaviour a group of people (a list or a specific delivery) over other deliveries?So if I sent a Delivery #1. I want to check all the poeple of Delivery #1 across all future deliveries. And with check I mean, see Opens, Clicks, OPt-Outs,...
Hello all,Does anyone have an example of using the proxy override in the Server config file? I am using the following snippet below, and something isnt correct... maybe my wildcards? <proxyConfig enabled="true" override="localhost*,**,**,**,**...
Hello all,I'm configuring my Offer module (space, category) but when deploying the offer space I'm getting the following error:XFR-180000 The file '/usr/local/neolane/nl6/datakit/eng/schema/.xml' does not exist on the server. Unable to load the document of identifier '' and type 'xtk:schema'.SOP-330...