In my existing web application, when I hit the web application url with id it check id in partyPartId column and display all data related to partyPartId on the dashboard.Now I want, when I hit the url with id it should check the presence of id in two columns(like partyPartId and soleProperietorPartI...
Hello, We uses Adobe Campaign Classic (hosted account). One of my team member uses Mac and I have created ACC account for them. I believe they can't able to login to our ACC environment using the same Client Console that I used. It's created for windows users. How would they able to login to our ACC...
Hi all, Recently, we've been noticing a low open rate for customers on the hotmail, outlook domains. It could be that our emails are landing in the ‘Other’ tab within the Outlook app and hence not being seen by customers. If this is the case there will be people who are just not seeing our comms an...
I have created a Delivery Template with variables and used those variables in the Delivery Template email. How to pass values to those variables using SOAP API Call... var emailCondition = "@email = ''";var deliveryId ="gEmail",<del...
I am trying to build a report that shows information from our offer schema (label, start date, end date, HTML Rendering, etc.) based on use input of offer name and date. I.e. user enters the offer name or start and end date and they are able to see the offer information. I am defining local variabl...
Hi,I have a requirement where from a form on my website I am collecting student details and saving it in ACC(Adobe Campaign Classic). The form is usually filled by parents so email id used in all the children of a parent will be same though the first name and last name will change respective to thei...
Hi, I am trying to understand why approximately one third of the messages are marked with "number of processed records=0" (in the nms:deliveryLogStats table). There are 40 duplicate telephone numbers that are removed. I am quite sure that all the 15k messages has been sent, since the logs of our SMS...