Hello all,there following tracking log tables in adobe campaign: trackingLogRcp, trackingLogVisitor - are clear to metrackingLog - i understood/assumed this should be place to merge all of your tracking logs. Also this table somehow throws error since the day the instance was deployed I assumed that...
Hi, I am trying to upload image to public resources folder using a web page and while uploading the file I am getting this error "QUE-370030 You do not have the rights needed on folder of identifier 347358852 (documents of type 'File resource (fileRes)') to complete the operation. (iRc=-53) [nms:web...
When creating a Survey, is it possible to have the Response options of a multiple choice question present in a random order? Example Question = What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?Recipient 1 sees the options below:A. ChocolateB. VanillaC. CoffeeD. MintRecipient 2 sees the same options in a di...
I am working on custom report and fetching all required fields from deliveries schema, but when i try to fetch value from one of the field but i'm not. Since it is a field which stores multiple values(open,clicks,opt-out etc) in the single field.1) Is it possible to fetch count of single value (type...
Hi All, My understanding is that when files are loaded (whether that be from SFTP or from local machine) a copy of the file is stored on Adobe Campaign Classic's application server. Is there a way for these files to be purged automatically (either instance wide after a period of time or through a se...
We have created a new external account connection for MYSQL. When testing the connection we get Investigation suggests that the customer.sh setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be updated to reference the MYSQL path for libmysqlclient.so.18 but this file does not exist on the unix server. I'm assumi...
Hi Experts, After troubleshooting a webapp that was sending multiple commands to start a workflow, I noticed a difference in the following post Eventsboth work in terms of successfully triggering the workflow, however, NLWS.xtkWorkflow.PostEvent would send the command multiple times, is this a bug? ...
We get error while sending large-scale mailings, The common thread seems to be hosting location https://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/image/. The same image work fine with the large scale campaign if we change the host to http://media.journals.elsevier.com/content/files/. we found something like be...
Good afternoon, I am including multiple offers in a delivery without using the offer engine (i.e. adding the offers to workflow during targeting and then including components of the offer in the delivery.) My question is, is there a way to only include a current offer (one whose start and end date ...
We are setting up work flow to call an external json api and the api call requires a secret to be passed. What is the best way to store the secret in a secure manner in adobe campaign so that it can be retrieved in a technical work flow?