Please let me know if there is any way to disable Send button of Delivery activity in Adobe Campaign Classic v7. Can we do that or it's not possible at all ? Thanks, Niraj
Hello Campaign Community, We had to update our Analytics Data Connect for Campaign Classic due to it deprecating by 8/17/2022. We were successful in the update and with talking to an Adobe Consultant we also created a new Web Analytics in our External Accounts. We just recently started to gather...
Hello everyone, I would like some enlightments on how to keep just the src of the image when uploaded via the input in a delivery. The explain further I have an input of htmlsource's type, and when I add an image from the library it's added in the message content as an html tag (<img/>) but I would ...
Hi,I am wondering if it is possible to call a local variable created within a workflow inside a script to create a condition. I know that a script can reference an attribute from a data schema and recognize its value, which you can use to create a condition, but am not sure if the workflow will func...
Hi all,We have an external webapp that manages most of the product data and analytics data. There is also an admin UI available in the webapp through which we could interact with product and analytics data. Is it possible to view this admin app inside the Adobe Campaign itself? Like an integral part...
Hi! Im currently working on a workflow where we will start importing a new file in the database. But Im having a issue when loading the data. It adds "," on the int64 column. How it looks like in the file: How it looks like when loading it to adobe campaign application. And this is the settings ...
Hello,I want to add the possibility to upload file to the server from a delivery form, but I'm struggling to do so. When I create the container that would do the update I have multiple error messages related to the attributes of fileRes being unknown (loaded, originalName, etc). Would you be able to...
Hi, I am not able to login via adobe-id - Adobe campaign classic login is trying to insert xtkoperator instead of login. check the attached screen shots, I tried different VPNs and web interface also for checking. but all are throwing the same error. can someone help me to resolve this issu...
Hello, I have created an offer in Adobe Campaign in the design environment and it continues to state "PENDING DEPLOYMENT" but will not push through to live environment. I have left this overnight - it still will not shift to live. Any suggestions?
Buenas tardes, Someone tried to use the DateOnly() function on a field to keep only the date When I go to see what it returns in the data view I have the real EventDate data and the data with the function applied and it continues to return time when I only expect the date Do you know what I'm ...