Hi, Is there any way to access or download the logs that are in "Monitoring" of Adobe Campaign Classic externally? Like using a computerized batch processing, or a third party program or via API?
Hi All, I have created a web app in a lower environment for Campaign. For this web application I trying to find a way to check if the favicon works on a mobile device, but I cant test the favicon on a mobile device because the lower environment link doesn't work on mobile devices. Is there any oth...
Hi Team, i have created an external account for S3 bucket using Server Url, AWS Access ID, AWS Secret Access Key and AWS Region. While i am trying to upload a sample file using file transfer activity for the first time i am getting the below error. CRL-290162 AWS Error 32764 while requesting to ...
I have customer id attribute in recipient form. My requirement is customer id attribute should be read only for existing records in recipient schema and if i am adding a new record in recipient form then customer id should be editable so that i can give my input in customer id attribute.
Hi, I want to priotarise the data using deduplication activity. Below should be the order of priotarization. 1. State = "Maharashtra" and City="Mumbai" 2. State = "Maharashtra" and City="Pune" 3. State = "Maharashtra" and City="Nashik" 4. State = "Karnataka" and City="Bangalore" 5. State = "Karn...
Hi Team, Can anyone let me know the steps involved in Setting up SMS External Account to send sms using API call and how to receive DLR forward response from the connector? Thanks in Advance, Regards, Shine v.v
Hi, I would like to know how 2 way SMS works in SMS channel delivery. What is the PDU that is used for MO (customer responses). And where the response is stored or which field of the PDU is used to stored the customer response.
Hi, I have 2 schemas recipient and cart details and both are linked by 1:N cardinality with custumer id as joining column. I have specified the link in cart details schema. My use case is If i delete customer id from recipient schema automatically records corresponding to that customer in cart deat...