In the NmsTracking_ClickFormula option, we have this part of the code: <%= escapeUrl("$(urlId)") %>, which is supposed to contain the nmsTrackingUrl Id (as per this documentation:
Hello, Is it possible to disable the suffix added to the downloaded files on the File transfer activity?The file "attach1.pdf" downloaded like this:The filename afterwards will be: attach1_20231003101346a.pdf. I can remove the suffix via JS code, but I'm wondering if there's any way to remove this ...
Hello We are trying to setup ACC to relay email through another MTA on our network.We've managed to do this by editing the serverside configuration XML for the instance and adding the <mta> relay configuration.However the performance is limited to 75 messages per minute for some reason. We cannot se...
We have an ask where we one to store one to many information against a broadlog entry. For example we are sending multiple deals in an email and want to store the details of those deals associated with the broadlog entry. So one entry will have 2 child records into the second table say "detailedBroa...
I've a schema in long format that needs to be converted to wide format. I've the schema with data on the left, and I want to create another schema with data, based on the original, but in wide format (right image). Is it possible? There are other fields, but I mainly care about the ones in the image...
Hi, We have a requirement to add preheader in our Emails. Could you Please let me know how to add it? Below is the Sample email with and without preheader Regards,Pravallika.
Hi there,It's a simple task. I want to load from a source table to another table.In this case I am making a query by Activity Query on a table (source table) and then using Activity Update Data to insert it into the <destination table>, which is empty.The two tables have the same structure. But I st...
So, I've a case where we need the values from "channel_of_comunication_id" from schema "comunications_preference" when filtering "recipients" schema (the OOTB recipients). I think, I have to ways to accomplish this:1.- Link "comunications_preference" schema with Recipients. 2.- Make an Enrichment in...