Hi All we are facing this error in wkf very frequnetly:09/19/2023 6:05:04 AM enrich223 ODB-240000 ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query. SQLState: 37000if anyone faced same issueplease help t...
I tried deleting 5M records where TIPVENTA column is equal to 23, but got this error: 24/09/2023 17:53:46 WDB-200001 SQL statement 'UPDATE BcpLEAD SET FROM wkf58347283_273_1 OutTbl WHERE BcpLEAD.iLEADId=OutTbl.iPKey_1 AND OutTbl.iRecProcState>:#(1)# AND OutTbl.iRecProcState<=:#(2)# AND OutTbl.iPKey...
How to remove whitespaces, tabs, and other elements that are not part of the content of the field?I've a column MES of the format: 202309 (for september of 2023) on format string in the schema and string in the configuration of the import activity.I want to remove whitespaces (tabs, etc) , in order ...
We have this formula, it tries to contact Recipients between 8 am and 8 pm, in this case it is set to 9 am.I'd like to make it directly, like: send this delivery the next day at 9 am. Or even better that the user the possibility to insert directly the date: 28/09/23 at 9 am. Iif( Hour(GetDate())<=8...
I have a table called: LEAD, with namespace: abc. I'm using V7 Classic.I've to remove all rows, since data is flawed and load new data. 1.- Create workflow that: Loads Table Lead: with no filtering condition since I want to remove all rows from all columns, right? 2.- In a SQL Activity just use: o...
Hi Team,I am new to learning Adobe Campaign Classic. Please explain the difference Between file collector and File transfer. And Split and cells? javascript code activity and Advanced Java script code activity? please share examples it's more helpful to me. B/W1) File Transfer / File Collector?2) Sp...
Hello, is there any way to save a calculated field by expr in database? When I create a calcualted attribute, it's only saved as XML and not as a database record. I want to keep them after being calculated, so I can make an index. Is there any way?
I don't have a column Year on my data, but I think it is taken the year from my column: "date_creation". How can I remove the miliseconds from my column "date_creation" to avoid this warnings? Or Should I fix this in the source of the data? I get a csv file to upload to campaign.
Hi, I'm doing indexing of 2 columns like this: users will look up the "codinternocomputacional" and then the "CODCANALCOMUNICACIONCLI". Is this the best way to do it for a faster query?<!--Cardinalidad Recipient vs. PREFERNCIACOMUNICACION 1-N --><element integrity="normal" label="Recipient" name="re...