Hi, anyone have any concrete information on this one? I've been asked to provide Time spent per visit for a section of the site. Which is theoretically easy enough: create a segment for the relevant pages (let's call them A,B and C) and then apply the Time spent per visit. Simples.
However, if I do this, is the time spent the time spent for the visit as a whole, or just for that segment?
So, for instance, if my visitor spends five minutes on page D (not in segment), then 30 seconds apiece on A,B and C, will the time spent per visit for that segment count as 6 minutes 30 (i.e. including page D) or 1 minute 30 (not including page D).
Solved! Go to Solution.
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@MattBlake- Time Spent per Visit takes into account specific dimension items for the time spent calculation. It's a visit based dimension which means every hit in that visit will have the same value for Time Spent per Visit. So, if you use a Visit based container, I believe it will contain other pages of the visits too. However, if you use Hit based container, I believe it will only consider those specific dimensions. Though, I'm not 100% sure on this and haven't verified it yet.
@MattBlake- Time Spent per Visit takes into account specific dimension items for the time spent calculation. It's a visit based dimension which means every hit in that visit will have the same value for Time Spent per Visit. So, if you use a Visit based container, I believe it will contain other pages of the visits too. However, if you use Hit based container, I believe it will only consider those specific dimensions. Though, I'm not 100% sure on this and haven't verified it yet.
If you use Hit container in the segment the metric will only show time for the segmeneted specific dimention. Hence using Hit contianer with Time Spent Per visit would not make scense at all .
Yes, @suneeshkachroo . I also wrote the same thing. From @MattBlake 's query and example, I understood that he is looking forward to see time only for the segmented specific dimension and not other dimension values in the Visit. Sorry if I'm overlooking anything.
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@Ishan_Sinha_ yaa i was focusing on the last part for hit container segment just trying to validate that.
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Thanks... It is a bit of a weird query, but the reason I ask is because the business / site has many different internal areas and they like to treat their content independantly - they don't see a visit to the site as a visit to their site (unless the visitor actually hits their pages). So in the above example, even though pages A,B,C and D are all on the site, page D belongs to a different area and therefore doesn't count as being part of their site. So the time spent per visit should only include pages A,B and C. It's nuts, but it's what it is.
So if I understand correctly, if the segment is set up on a hit level and includes A,B and C, then the time spent per visit will be the time spent per visit but on those three pages only? If it's set up on a visit level it would include D as well? Or am I misunderstanding?
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Your understanding is correct, @MattBlake . With Hit level segment, it will just include those three pages.
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Dear MattBlake,
Have seen your conversation and i don't want to make it complex.
The answer is that, yes, if you create the HIT Segmentation with the pages A, B and C, you will get your answer.
Based on your example above, when you create a segment A, B and C, the answer will be 1 Minute 30 Seconds but none of the pages (A, B and C) are the bounce or an exit. Because Time Spent is calculated based on the difference between HITS and thus not available for the exit or bounce page (Or dimension).
Checkout my blog to get more details on the same : https://terrynwinter.com/time-spent-why-why-not/
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B | Xerago | Terryn Winter Analytics