Hi,We are seeing a difference in the traffic percentages between Ad Hoc Flow's report and Next Page Flow in Omniture.We are trying to figure the amount of users landing in a page called "Form" departing from a page called "Home".----------------------------------------------------------------In Ad H...
Our main website is visited by:Potential new customersExisting customersExisting customers come to our website and follow a link to an external website were they use the services they have purchased.I would like to exclude all traffic associated with visitors who follow this link (button).Is there a...
Hi, we're in the process of moving from Google Analytics to Adobe Analytics.In GA we have several goals that we use on a regular basis. For example we use goals in the Channels report to see the conversion rate to a specific goal from each channel.Most of our goals are destinations such as a thank y...
hi all,I successfully created classifications for a custom variable.Now I am trying to build a segment based on these classifications, however in the segment builder interface I can only select the actual custom variable but I do not see the related classifications so I can't use them. I tried also ...
Hi All, Please let me introduce myself first, I am Jakub working for Deloitte Digital, previously I worked for 2DataFish and I had briefly spoke to you via email. I have a few questions to ask if you don’t mind helping me. I am setting up Analytics (deploying via DTM) for a client and one of the req...
I'm highly surprised someone else has not posted this already, but I have a Dev Suite and a Prod suite that was set up by someone in the past that gives me the following error message if I try to update Success Event's name and Type at the same time. All report suites must have the same Convers...
I created a classification for a conversion variable (in the admin interface, report suite settings). However when I go to the Import Classification section, in the "data set to classify" drop-down menu I have only Campaigns.What am I doing wrong?
I've been running Realtime reports via the REST API, specifying the "startingWith" and "top" parameters but the "startingWith" parameter is not having any effect on the response - it seems to be ignored entirely. I'm seeing this with REST clients and also via the API explorer.I'm also encountering "...
I've tried a few times to set up DTM with Adobe analytics. I can see that the data is being sent / fired, but doesn't appear in the reports within Adobe Analytics. Anything I can do to figure out why?
The addition of breakdown segments for Data Warehouse was very useful. Now I'm trying to move some of the reports I've created using the DW UI into scripts using the 1.3 reporting API, and I don't see any documentation of how to specify the breakdown segments.The parameters for the DataWarehouse.Re...