Hi Why when running a Pages report and analysing the Previous page (page tracking) (p41) for let's say the homepage of the site (e.g. uk:home), you get also uk:home in the results as a previous page? How can the previous page of uk:home be uk:home...? it doesn't make any sense.Can someone please hel...
Hi everyone,Is it possible to get a percentage breakdown of values by row, instead by column?I know I could just swap columns and rows, but this makes the trended graphs go wonky, and reading the data difficult.
I am trying to share a couple of projects on workspace in PDF or CSV since Friday and no one of the receivers get any file. I have checked to send to different email accounts (working emails, gmail, yahoo, etc) and no one get any file.Any idea or suggestion?Thank you in advance. Regards,jl
Could anyone tell me if a Nvidia geforce 940mx graphic card suitable for Adobe Premiere CC 2015? I am planning to buy a laptop with that card.Thanks a lot!
I'm trying to figure what the difference is between metrics "Average Time Spent on Site" and "Time Spent per Visitor". Here is the documentation for "Average Time Spent on Site". Definition: "Average Time Spent on Site is the amount of time (in minutes) users have spent on your site across all visit...
Hi, Can someone please let me know for AA Mobile Apps, it says real-time data collection, how fast does that mean in minutes, seconds? Cannot find any information on that for AA Mobile Apps, only for AA. Cheers, Michele
Hello!I've a question about tracking downloads in Adobe Analytics. How can I see the dowloads links listed by page were it's located. Is there any implementation needed in order to see this values? Thanks!
Hi everyone,I am using Analytics sandbox, there are some alerts. "Current data is not supported for the following metrics: XXX ""Current data is unavailable when breakdowns are applied."What's this mean? Could I solve it?