Hello Experts,We got one question about how to get all visits where the first visit is from "Banner", so that we can see how "Banner" impacts further user access and orders.There are some "Channels" are set: Banner, Organic Search, Paid Search, Direct Load, etc.We try to set as following:Visit Level...
Hello everyone. I have a question about cross-device tracking. I was wondering if anyone knew how to track cross-device user's in Adobe Workspace so for example how many unique visitors use more then one device while visiting our website.So distinguishing from:Mobile + Tablet Mobile + DesktopMobile ...
I've inherited my company's Adobe Analytics administration with very limited cross training. I now am in need of my "company global ID". Where can I find that in Adobe Analytics Admin?
Hi All,I'm trying to integrate adobe analytics 2.0. I have successfully got my access token and globalCompanyId according to this document:Documentation . However, whatever codes I use to get access to the report suite (https://analytics.adobe.io/api/XXXXX/users/me && https://analytics.adobe.io/api/...
I need to see the traffic originated by Direct and Organic Search.The only report I found sorting through channels was the first and last touch, but this isn't tha data i need.
Hello,I have what I think is a unique use case that has been perplexing me lately. I have bounces collected in Adobe and Google since we are about to migrate systems.I was comparing bounces and Google identifies roughly double the amount of bounces on our site than Adobe. This was interesting becaus...
Hi!I'd like to know the participation of referrers for a conversion event. As a standard I always see the last touch referrer for the event, I know I can create reports with first touch. But how can I create a funnel to show me what referrer values were participating in the journey and in what order...
Hi,I wonder if their is some way you dont need to change "compare time periods "every time you change the date.That it changes automatically when I change date.Thanks for your answer.RegardsErik
Hi,We recently switched from the old Adobe Analytics view to the Adobe Experience Cloud mode.In the past, we could see the Web Services details such as "User name" and "Shared Secret" under Edit Profile section in the old view.I can't find the details under Edit Profile after we started logging in t...
Situation: I set up a report in Adobe. The way I set it up is to send a 90 day report to our team once a week (PDF). After talking to the team, we decided it would be more beneficial to view a 7 day report once a week, and then a 90 day report once a month.Question: Do you know how to modify the r...