We have different users setup to have access to their own virtual report suite data: I have access to virtual report suite 1 and another person has access to virtual report suite 2. I want to share my report with person 2 because it's for the same dimension and metrics. Can I share my report (and...
Hello, got a question related to one of evars, I am using SDK. What I can see is that evar responsible for login status - i.e. ways how users logged in to the app - shows following: 1. Majority of the Visits with "Unsepcified" value, however2. Visits in total do not sum to total up and "Unspecified"...
We want to extract data out of Adobe and store it in Elastic search and considering Adobe Datawarehouse API for the same purpose. There could be 2 options:1. We schedule data & push it to FTP and then create a job to pull data from FTP to elastic search.2. We remove FTP in the pipeline and start pus...
I have pages with several dynamic media viewers. Each viewer triggers a separate LOAD event upon page load. I am integrating Dynamic Media Viewers with Adobe Analytics and Experience Platform Launch. Is it possible to collect all of the LOAD events from each of the dynamic media viewers on the pa...
Is there a publicly available list of which referring domains Adobe considers to be search engines? The "Search Engine - Natural" dimension provides a friendly name rather than the referring domain, and applying a segment in which "Search Engine-Natural" exists to Referring Domains is resulting in a...
Hi Team, I am using s.product string to capture the product details. I am capturing the primary category in evar16 and 17. I am using the below code to capture the data: So, now if multiple product is added in the cart, then multiple values in coming in the report, so can I resolve the issue throug...
Hi to all, I'm starting a new Setup for Adobe Analytics and found a guide to setup the S.Campaign. This guide explains how to create the S.Campaign on a landing with parameters cid (or other paramaters); what I don't understand is how to do if the user comes from Google (or another search engine) o...
Hi.I would like to see the visitor's browser within Adobe Analytics, is it possible to identify the web view? (Tracking in-app search) If possible, I would like to display the information within the workspace.If it needs to be implemented, I would like to know how to set it up.Thank you for your tim...