Hello, Seeing following 2 ways, the segment 2 and segment 3 are applied by using different hierarchy.Is there any difference between the 2 ways? Please help to clarify.Thanks and have a safe day.H
Hi everyone, We are working on our app implementation and we just noticed several of our link calls are firing page calls.it is a little different between iOS and Android, as the iOS action calls match the page calls perfectly; while the Android page calls are less than the action calls. We want to ...
Hi there, Could you please help to clarify: what error code will trigger "Page Not Found" metric and record "Page Not Found" dimension?Apparently, 404 is one of the code.How about 410? Anything else and if admin can customize it? Thanks.H
Hello - We moved our property from DTM to Launch as synch and we also implemented Target as synch. Later based on Adobe recommendations in this document (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/launch-learn/implementing-in-websites-with-launch/configure-launch/launch.html?lang=en) we have enabled "r...
I want to use the ~empty~ or ~delete~ values on the classification file I exported on certain columns. When I re-upload this file will the latest classification rules apply or will the rows tend to be empty? Assuming they will get reclassified based on latest rule builder changes, but please can you...
Within Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS) reporting, I can't access the following dimensions:Tracking URL CategoryTracking URL LabelBut I cannot seem to find those dimensions in my Adobe Analytics Workspace environment. Is there something that I am missing or need to setup? Is this possible for other ...
Hi All, We are using clickstream in some of our reporting.We've set up our identifier within clickstream as suggested by Adobe - using "VDSID HIGH - VDSID LOW" concatenation.We've also started passing the adobemarketingID value that is passed out of the box into an evar.Those two values (VDS_ID Hi...
Hi. According to the instruction of AA help(https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/components/metrics/time-spent-per-visit.html?lang=en), the formula for Time Spent per Visits(seconds) metric should be <Total seconds spent / (visits - bounces)>. However, I am getting some different resul...