Is there a way to track certain metrics in Adobe Launch? I am trying to prove out value to having dedicated developers using the tool in a centralized model, and am looking for things like:# of developers using the tool (total and unique)# of unique developers releasing to production# of releases t...
I have created a rule to track cta click and set these information: eVar11: [v11] CTA Name prop7: [prop7] CTA Name event19: [e19] All Click CTA if I check in adobe analytics report I don't understand the numbers, e.g: [v11] CTA Name (dimension) | Occurences | [v11] CTA Name Instances (metric) | ...
I am facing a weird issue where I can see the adobe analytics calls shown in old cloud debugger but not in the new Platform debugger. Network calls are working fine but it is just that calls are not appearing in new Platform debugger. Has anyone faced this issue before?
I registered for the adobe analytics challenge using a wrong email address, missing one of the numbers. What can I do to get it right? Otherwise I won't be able to access anything. Or is there any official email or phone number that I could turn to for help? Thank you so much for answering!
I'd like a way to turn off sort and have the rows stay as I add them. This typically works for primary rows, but my breakdown rows keep rearranging. The 'lock' is grayed out. I have one report that many people see and for some tables they expect a certain order. For example, I have one report t...
I wanted to confirm what exactly is happening when user is browsing in the incognito mode. I can't see any analytics calls fired which would be expected but I wanted to confirm that tracking is blocked.
Hello,We released a new version of our app with updated Mobile SDK. After that we noticed increasing number of visits more than 10 times everyday on Android platform. Avery day Adobe triggers 18-20K crashes on our app (but we have other APMs for that, and we assured, that number of crashes tens or e...
Has someone been able to resolve their 'Failed to load page' issue regarding the Adobe Analytics page? Please let me know. I have tried clearing cache. cookies, changed browsers, tried incognito but still not working. How should I proceed further?
Hello, everyone. Getting this whenever trying to log into adobe analytics, tried from different browsers, networks, PCs and phones. Is there a way to solve this issue? The page isn't loading correctly. Please check your login and try again. If you continue to get this message, contact customer care ...