Webinar: Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Product Innovations: A Quarterly Overview. Come learn for the Adobe Analytics Product team who will be covering AJO reporting, Graph-based Stitching, guided analysis for CJA, and more!
Is it possible to get all the values in the highlighted screenshot(including dimension breakdowns and their respective Pageviews and Visits values) using Adobe Analytics Reporting API 2.0? I am looking to obtain multiple metrics and dimensions breakdown using a single JSON code.(A one time code that...
Hi all, Not sure if a similar question is already available but I'm not able to find a solution to this. In my Adobe analytics report, I'm trying to create a sequential segmentation for two different Adobe Launch property (it is a web app, with two tag properties mobile sdk and web launch property...
How to find/track the click sequence of users after searching a term/from the search result page? I can see many searches for a query and the engagement rate is 95%, but the conversion is very low, so is there any option/setup to track the click sequence after the users landed in the search result p...
Hi everyone. In my company I was requested to implement Adobe Analytics on mobile, using the correspondent SDK. So far, I have been able to connect it properly, but I am unaware on how is the process of sending data from the app to AA. I have been using Launch for mobile settings, and I am aware tha...
Hi. When I want to schedule a report, I can't go farther than a month. I have already scheduled sending reports for a year. Is it a permanent change you've done? Thank's.
Hello, I was wondering what is the best way to break up a multiple value eVar to do analysis on it? Would it be using "|" dividers? For example, if I had an active, expired, and total values I wanted attributed, could I do an example eVar value as "1 | 3 | 4", where 1 is active, 3 is expired, and ...
I am trying to look what country the website is getting its traffic from. A trend that I see is Everyday if there 700 visits, and we break it down by "Country" Dimension, 653 visits are for the value "Unspecified" and rest are "USA, Canada". I want to understand what is that "Unspecified" traffic.
Dear Members, I am getting huge percentage of percent page viewed value under “unspecified”. Beacon looks good to me. Value of percent page viewed is set correctly in the beacon. While analyzing it further, I am not finding any page where all the values of percent page viewed is coming as 'unspecifi...
Currently we are analyzing the paid media campaigns manually which is labor intensive work with more risk of errors. The integrations with Facebook, Twitter and Google ads will enable us to monitor the performance in real time and suggest optimizations to the relevant teams quickly and effectively.B...
I am checking the numbers in the Analysis Workspace for the end of Report &Analytcs, but I am having trouble because the linear distribution is very different. This is a problem that can be resolved by reviewing the following documentation athttps://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/componen...