I'm trying to create a simple quick calculation based on the metrics in the freeform table which works fine on a table on another workspace but not my current workspace. Steps:1. Dimension = Segment I created for Tracking Code (v1 starts with search)2. Visits as metric 13. Visits with "Last Month" t...
Hello team, I need to create a 'Next page exists' segment in AA so I can see the percentage of users that had a next page in their visit (not necessary a list of pages that they visited) when I report on a single page or a list of pages in the table format. In AA we have two ways to create a view of...
I have discovered an instance where two metrics have inflated numbers. I have verified this using "Custom Link Instance" which shows the correct numbers for the traffic. I want the inflated metrics to show the values we have for the "Custom Link Instance" metric. How should I go on about creating ...
helloI made a segment that looks for visits that go to the buy page ->(then) checkout page ->(then) evar(button click). For a table I put the segment I made with visit metric and put evar in rows. The total number was 35. There were different values of evar from different pages. Then when I looked a...
I'm trying to track a Button click using CSS selector Event is getting fired but in that I cannot able to see eVars and events.1. I added the CSS script in events --> Core--> clicks. (CSS Script)button.productcollection__item-button.productcollection__item-button--add-to-wish-list2. Added the set va...
Team, We are capturing the Tracking Code/Campaign pages with Query String Parameter(CID) via data element and setting up under the campaign variable through all pages rule. I believe if the page is loading with CID ( www.example.com/?CID=anyvalue ) then the value is going to be store under the eVar0...
I'm facing this error from a very basic query, and it doesn't include any details about what's wrong exactly. DataSource.Error: Unable to complete report at this time. Please try again laterDetails:DataSourceKind=AdobeAnalyticsDataSourcePath=AdobeAnalyticsErrorUri= Someone has ever seen this? I have...