Hello, My team recently enabled eVars that track cookie opt-in/out information for three cookie categories. For each of these, if a visitor opts out of a category and then opts in, we'd like to be able to segment visitors by their most recent selection. Do you know how to build a segment based off v...
Hi,I'm trying to schedule a report builder file to be sent out. The file executes fine when I hit "refresh", but when I try to schedule it the report fails due to the an "unsupported date cell formula. Change the request to a supported function". I'm not sure why this error is thrown because the re...
My site had an influx of bot visits from April 26th-June 6th. I was able to create a new bot rule to exclude the user agent in the future. However, is there a way to retroactively exclude/remove this data?
Hi everybody!I need to create a venn chart where I have the users from our app, the web, and the users that end up using both mediums.We have a universal report suite and an eVar (in that RS) that gets each report suite separately (app and web). So I created two separate segments with our app and we...
Hey Community Members, Our team is currently working on updating the website's design. As part of this update, users will be asked to answer a few single-choice questions. To collect this information, I am planning to record their selections upon clicking the "complete" button. Initially, I thought...
Hello together, my company uses the DataFeed Export via SFTP to load the tracking data into our Data Warehouse. I recently adjusted the data feed (added one more eVar to export) and started an export of a historical timerange. When we loaded the data into a table and compared the amount of records f...
User-A has created the new segment called "Product View" and it is used that in report builder to created the new report "Test Report". User-A has shared the report to User-B with segment. User-B now can able to view the shared segment in Addin Manage User A has left the organization and their crede...
Good morning , I wanted to ask you if you have any explanatory video or presentation on how to proceed to upload files from an excel format to the Adobe platform. According to the process I have done so far, I have prepared the file with the specific characteristics of the platform, secondly, I have...
Good morning,I only work with AEM for a short time. My question is - can you see how much interaction per page is related to videos only?How do I need to query this?Thank you!