I understand Adobe is discontinuing collecting analytics from 15th October 2024 on its online dashboard but my document published approximately a month ago is already showing no views/visitors. How do I retrieve the existing data that has been collected up to now?
I am collecting page names in prop1 and page URLs in prop2. In the analysis workspace, when I break down the page name dimension for any particular page it also shows me URLs of other pages. I would have understood if this had been an eVar set to expire on a visit, but why is it happening with props...
I am trying to find a way to list all available reports via the Adobe Analytics API 2.0. I am aware of the endpoints to get dimensions and metrics, but is there a direct endpoint for listing all predefined report names similar to what we see in the UI. For API 1.4, we can get bookmark as workaround.
@adobe what kind of search experience is this in Customer Journey Analytics (CJA)?Why would a query such as URL return results where any sequential occurrence of the letters U R L return in the results?This makes no sense from a search use case perspective. Is this a bug and where can it be reported...
In snowflakes while doing units and Price calculation we are getting the alphabetical character .However if we put the below condition we are not getting the alphabetical character.SELECT rows WHERE event_list EQUALS TO 1Is this mandatory condition to give for doing the price calculation?
Hello Adobe,I’m facing an issue with marketing channels where the tracking codes are not being attributed correctly. I have reviewed the configuration multiple times and cannot find anything wrong. All configurations are set within the "Classification Rule Builder," the channels are defined in the "...
We have a nav menu that has banners on the category flyouts. I'm trying to setup a rule in Data Collection to report these page event views to Analytics. I have a data element for these menu banners of core. Constant and the constant value is %event.element.innerText%I have an action that says "When...
Hey I got an ask to extract data at GUID( similar to login ID) level from adobe analytics. What are steps/ways we can acheive this. What questions I have to ask. Should i use warehouse or feeds? Or any inbuilt API's/ 2) they are trying to integrate with EDP. What questions should i ask stakeholders ...
Hello,If a purchase event is passed on a hit, without the other variables that are expected - products, revenue, and so forth - would that purchase event increment the order count, and essentially pass a null value (like zero) to the other elements that are not found? We have a case in which the tra...