Hi All, If offline uploaded data is to be reprocessed after a failure, will data in Adobe Analytics be duplicated or overridden? If the data is duplicated then how to detect duplicate data and how to rectify it? Please help!
Hi everyone, I have implemented previous page in adobe analytics using plug-ins. But the problem here is the previous page value is not getting captured for the 1st page of the visit which is resulting in unspecified value in analytics report. Is there any way to sort it out?Thanks.
Hello ! It's my turn to pose a query today !I am setting up data insertion API and the data is reflecting well in the reports.My query is if we would like to add authentication to these network calls, how should we do it? Problem I see with these calls are that in the default state, there are no fie...
Hey everyone,I've stumbled upon an odd issue: when I include a cid query parameter in the page URL, I'm not seeing any hits going to Adobe Analytics. Strangely, removing the query parameter results in hits being sent and rules firing as expected. However, I'm encountering an error in the console:Fai...
Hi, I don't have much experience working with Adobe Campaign, but what I want is to connect my adobe analytics "tracking code" dimention with my Executed Delivery ID from AC, could someone tell me how I can achieve this?
Hi, We are using visitorAppendToURL call in a mobile app to support visitor tracking from app to web view, and expect the ECID value in the adobe_mc parameter remains consistent with the ECID generated during the initial app install. However, we found that the ECID value (MCMID) and also the MCAID v...
HiCommonly we do audit using SDR, but then if they not maintained the proper SDR , where can we start with.Is there any template for Tags review or Can anyone tell how the structure or how it goes?Thanks
we have set up our CIDs so that if it starts with “cpc” or “ppc” it will be classified as paid search as below This works well for most campaigns. However some campaigns starting with cpc get classified as other campaigns. Any ideas why? thanksaaron
Hello All, In my project, we are sending email KPI data file from adobe campaign to adobe analytics SFTP. Files are getting processed successfully and the KPIs such as total open, clicks (matrices) counts are getting reflected correctly against tracking code dimension. However, dimensions like Campa...
HI everyone,I have found the below in code in Adobe Analytics extension Configure code editor,s.performanceWriteFull =function {//set of code} ands.performance check.= function {//set of code} Is this a part of plugin code or a custom code manually written.Has anyone came across this ?