Hi, We're planning to A/B test a new journey (from point A to B) and I wanted to know if there was a way that I could split out the difference in the number of pages viewed for the new experience vs control experiences and then turn those in to an average.For example, we're hoping our new journey wi...
Hi everybodywe connected our AA with funnel.io. We need to see our ACS data there.So on funnel.io we selected our adobecampaign report suite, however the default metrics are not showing there, only the dimensions and custom metrics are. We need to see te adobe campaign sent, open, etc metrics on fun...
Hi,has anyone experience about the integration of AA into a TVM ( Ticket Vending Machine ) application? Is based on js or SDK as mobile device? I couldn't find any kind of documente with such an use case, any kind of support and information is very appreciated.Thnaks since now, regards
Hi All, Is it possible to display two different color bars (red and green) based on the percent change value? The bar should be red if the percent change is negative WoW and green if the percent change is positive WoW. Currently, the chart displays only one color (please see the attached screenshot...
Hi Adobe Community, I'm currently developing a segment to understand the number of unique visitors that are in touch with certain areas of our site. The segment is structured to include hits on any pages that begin with 'A.com/A' or 'A.com/B', using two HIT containers in Adobe Analytics. One HIT co...
Can I set an eVar in one rule and use it in another rule? Rule 1: set eVar1 = something Rule 2:if (eVar1 = something) {return true } else {return false} How do I do this?
Does anyone else encounter this Aw, Snap! error message multiple times a day? So frustrating, especially since more times than not, even though I save my Workspace projects often, I lose most of my work. Is this just a Chrome issue, as I also experience challenges in accessing Experience League and/...